Page 51 of The Chase

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Colt smirked. She couldn’t believe it. He had the audacity to flash those even, shiny teeth at her.

“Colt! Don’t laugh, this isn’t funny!” she scolded.

He reached out and cuffed her chin with his fist affectionately. “Fuck, do you have any idea how cute you are when you’re all riled up like this? How fucking cute?” He trailed off, his eyes snagging on her lips. He dragged his gaze off her, turned and loped into the woods.

“Colt! There isn’t a path back there! Where are you going?” she yelled, trying to hide the panic in those last few words as she realized she’d be left standing alone in the dark. To hell with that. She bolted after him, somehow stumbling over brambles and branches that Colt seemed to effortlessly bypass.

“Kitten, what are you doing out here? Go back, you haven’t even got a jacket on,” he said gently. He wasn’t rising to her emotional, frantic tirade and that was winding her up even more. She was spoiling for a fight.

“No.” She scowled back at him. “I’m not just going to skip back inside, Colt, we need to talk.”

He calmly carried on walking. The brambles thinned out and she was able to catch up to walk alongside him.

“I’m lighting up,” he threatened, bringing the lighter up to the end of the cigarette, shielding it from the cool night air. He paused and glanced sideways at her.

She huffed. “Go ahead, you think that’s going to put me off from this? Well it isn’t. I feel like you are being really grumpy and ungrateful-”

“Ungrateful?” he repeated. He flicked the lighter, took a drag on the cigarette. The tip glowed orange, bright in the increasing gloom around them. April shivered. Damn, she should have put on her hoodie. He took a deep breath in. She watched, determined not to find it fascinating. She failed, it was hypnotizing, watching him smoke. He angled his head up, and blew a plume of smoke into the air. He was like a dragon. Ferocious. Dangerous. She felt a pull and a tingle in her core.

“Fuck me, I needed that,” he said, taking another drag. April watched the glow reflect in his eyes. “Now, ungrateful I won’t accept,” he replied calmly.

April felt momentarily confused. What? Oh, returning to the conversation from before. Before she got distracted with how hot he looked smoking. Christ she suddenly wanted him to smoke a cigarette like that while they were having sex, him wearing his biker boots and his leather cut and nothing else…God what was wrong with her, that was a sick, twisted thought. Deplorable. Wasn’t it? She shook her head.

“Did you see the size of the dinner? A fucking raw food taster menu? They could have served that at feeding time in a petting zoo, April-”

“Now that’s taking it too far-” she began but her stomach rumbled loudly, giving her away.

Colt tilted his head. “See? You’re still hungry,” he stated with a smug grin on his face, visible through the darkness.

“No, well, I...” she began, but her protest died on her lips. “Okay, I thought dinner tonight was ... lacking, but that doesn’t mean you have to be moody with me.”

He took another drag, and then threw his arm over her shoulder, pulling her into a side embrace. “Oh Kitten, did I upset you? I apologize for that.” He planted a kiss on her forehead. The fight was leaving her, goddammit.

“It took a lot of effort to find this place, somewhere where we could hide, regroup, give your shoulder a rest, take a bit of time to get to know each other...”

“To properly fuck each other?” he corrected her. She heard the grin in his voice.

She huffed. “Well, yes, in not so crude language, yes-”

“I am grateful Kitten, I’m sorry, the massage earlier was incredible, the yoga I had no fucking idea what I was meant to do but I’ll go again tomorrow and I do see how it can do a person a lot of good,” he continued.

She nuzzled into his underarm, glad of the sense of safety his body gave her. Relief that he wasn’t wanting to run from her, palpable in her body. She shouldn’t have doubted him. She needed to be strong, to not be governed by her emotions, or her sense of superiority. That wasn’t her anymore, she needed to remember that. Colt was not a man of constant compliments. He wasn’t all roses and rainbows. He was her dirty bad boy biker who got grumpy and swore. And she wouldn’t change him for the world.

He huffed now. “I don’t like the amount of rules here, the security guard and the pain in the ass manager and all the set times for shit. It reminds me of being in prison.”

“It’s not meant to be a prison,” she countered but she was beginning to understand now.

“I know, but I’d rather it was just me and you and a cabin in the woods, than all this other shit and people interfering...” he sighed.

“I wish that, too, but we need all those people right now-”

“Yeah.” He blew out a plume.

“One day,” she continued before she chickened out, “one day maybe it will just be us, in a cabin in the woods.”

He moved his arm off her shoulder and groped her butt. “Fuck yeah, I hope so,” he murmured and she grinned into the darkness, glad he couldn’t see how happy that made her.

“Why in the world are we sneaking through the woods in the dark at night?” she questioned. He pulled out his phone but held it with the screen angled away from her. She realized they had managed to walk to a road.
