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Hades looks at her, giving her a confused face, then back over me. I shrug my shoulders before turning to my little fairy.

“This belt has enchanted bells from my homeland. The frequency, if rung in the right order, creates a portal from one realm to another for a few seconds. Only fairies know the frequency, but I will, of course, share it with my mate. I can get him his own set of bells so he can come and go from this realm to earth as much as he wants,” Mazzy says, smiling at her little plan.

“Hmm… I don’t know if that is going to work,” Hades replies as he rubs his chin in thought.

“What?! What not? It’s a perfect plan,” Mazzy huffs, sticking her tongue out at the lord of darkness… only Mazzy, only my little squirt. I see the sparkle of humor in Hades’ eyes. See, he’s really not as bad as legend has it. He just gets blamed for everything bad because he’s in the business of death and darkness.

“These are some truly magical and enchanting items. I can’t have my second in command walking around with those and not expect chaos. Every demon in the underworld would be gunning for him, more than they already are,” he tells us, and I can see the dilemma. The minute someone found out about the portal, I would be a dead demon.

“Then what do you suggest?” Mazzy asks him.

“You two will just have to move in here.” Hades shrugs before turning and walking toward the back of the castle.

“Wait, what?” This time it’s me completely surprised.

“Well, we can’t have those bells just hanging around anywhere in the underworld, but where is the safest place down here?” he asks me.

“The castle,” I say automatically. No creature would ever dare infiltrate the dark castle. Not even Zeus.

“Exactly. Have the bells installed around the door to whichever room you two pick in the castle. Hell, take a whole wing if you like. It’s not like I’ll ever be able to leave this place, especially with the way Persephone is grieving the world,” Hades says dejectedly before continuing. “Anyway, take one wing of the castle, put the bells over the door, then Mazzy can just play the correct sequence, walk through the portal and be right at her shop and in New Orleans.”

“You would give us a room in your castle? Just a lowly demon?” I ask in complete shock.

“Ezra, you have shown me loyalty and love throughout all of creation. You have been my best friend for so long that Ican’t remember a time you weren’t at my side or having my back. It’s the least I could do would to aid you in getting your happily ever after,” he tells me, smiling. “Plus, with Mazzy’s food, maybe Persephone will want to come out of hiding. Hell, maybe she and your mate can be friends.”

“I thought you were banning me from the underworld,” Mazzy pouts from my side.

“You have free rein in the castle and the gardens in the back. I will build you the biggest greenhouse your heart desires,” Hades says, and I look down at Mazzy.

“What do you think? Would you be happy here?” I ask, knowing I would follow her no matter if the light killed me.

“This sounds like the perfect plan! I get to New Orleans every day, but I still get to come home to my dark prince every night! It’s a dream. I have just one request,” Mazzy adds, looking nervous.

“Anything,” I nearly shout.

“I want to spend Christmas in New Orleans every year. Think of it as our Holiday home. But on Christmas Eve, we spend the night at my house, and on Christmas morning, we wake to Santa’s gifts. I can’t leave Dasher and Dancer high and dry. They would be sad,” Mazzy tells us.

“Done,” I agree automatically. Hell, we can spend every holiday there if my mate wants.

“Perfect.” Hades claps his hands together once. “Now that we have all that settled, can you please cook my perfect Persephone a meal that will light her lonely heart again? I need her to see me, see that I will give her anything she desires if she would just let me.”

“How about you point me to the kitchen and send Persephone down to me? We will spend some time together, and I will make us all the perfect meal.” Mazzy tells him, bouncing on her feet at the idea of returning to the kitchen. I can’t help but lean down and take her mouth in a long, hard kiss. My perfect mate, I can’t wait to have her all to myself for Christmas, a whole day just us, in bed, with no clothes on. Yeah, that sounds perfect!

Well, that’s not quite how my Christmas goes. I started the morning between my fairies legs. Breakfast in bed is my favorite morning tradition. This morning, though, it was different. Her taste was different, sweeter. Then it hit me. I took a deep breath and knew exactly why my girl tasted sweeter.

“What’s wrong?” Mazzy asks, sitting up on her hands and looking at me worriedly. I place my hand on her lower stomach and look into her eyes.

“You are carrying my young. My little fairy…” I whisper and see the tears pool in her eyes while she looks at me with so much hope. “You’re pregnant.”

She burst into tears before jumping up and nearly tackling me.

“This is the best Christmas ever!” she screeches before bouncing out of bed and running to the closet.

“Where are you going? I wasn’t done with my breakfast yet!” I growl as she giggles.

“Sorry big guy, but Hades and Seffie will be here soon, and I need to get started on the cinnamon rolls,” she tells me, coming out of the closet fully clothed. I roll my eyes but sit up, anyway.

“I thought Christmas was for us,” I pout, but can’t help the happiness seeping through my bones. My best friend finally got his woman with a little help from my squirt, and I got the mate of my dreams. Life couldn’t be better. Mazzy has been showing me around New Orleans, and I think we may spend a bit more time here than just the holidays, as much as my body allows.
