Page 113 of Tattooed Sweetness

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She holds her mouth against mine, nestling into my hold like a kitten one moment, only to bite the tip of my tongue challengingly the next. At the same time, her breath intoxicates me more than the strongest joint ever could. Her fingers slide over my chest, tug the hem of my T-shirt out of the waistband, and…

“Stop it!” I grab her by the wrists and yank her hands up. At the same time, I push Celine away from me before she can finish off what’s left of my mind by touching my bare belly. Breathing heavily, I stare at the smeared red of her lipstick. At the lurid blush of desire on her cheeks, not even the best foundation can cover now. “You…” I start, at a loss for words. That’s never happened before, either.

“I…?” She lifts her chin. My right hand feels drawn to it as if by a giant electromagnet, and it takes all my willpower to resist.

“You…”Twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three… Counting helps me clear my head. I take a deep, conscious breath. “If you come to my apartment tonight after dinner…” Just saying the words almost makes me lose my mind again. I can’t even imagine she might consider putting into action what I’m about to suggest. “…I won’t send you away…”

The blackness of her pupils devours the rest of the blue except for a thin edge.

I’d better not imagine what that means. Keep talking, Philipp, go on!“…but you must be clear about one thing.” I pause meaningfully, thrusting my lower jaw forward and tensing my cheek muscles to come across as threatening as possible. “If I sleep with you…”

“Yes?” she breathes, letting her lash line kiss her cheeks.

Fuck. It should be forbidden to behave in such a sexy way!“…then this will be forever,” I say with a strained voice. “Don’t think I would let you go again.” To add weight to my threat, I don’t take flight, but point to the passenger door with what I hope is a harsh head movement. “Now go.”After all, I need to get a clear head and significantly less pressure in my pants in the twenty minutes until my next appointment.

The reflection in the employee restroom gives me a sneer. Neither hand soap nor disinfectant seems to be able to remove the telltale traces of lipstick around my mouth. Although it’s also possible that I’ve only made my condition worse by rubbing vigorously with the ecologically friendly recycled paper towels. Resignedly, I shovel a final load of ice-cold water onto my face before gently dabbing myself dry.

At least I got rid of the jam in my crotch as quickly as I have since my first teenage self-experiments.

Greedily, I drink straight from the tap to chase away the remaining shreds of lust.

Then Bella calls me, because the next client is waiting for me.

The rest of the working day passes me by as if I’m in a trance.

Finally, the last client has left, the cash register is done and the compartment is cleaned.

My heart beats loudly as I climb the stairs to the upper floor.

Eastern European hubbub and laughter emanate from the common space at the end of the corridor. The two Polish artists, twin brothers, are flirting fiercely with the tattoo artist from Belarus, who is accompanied by her cousin on her tour.

They willingly move aside and hand me a plate and cutlery.

Then Celine serves dinner. She heaves a huge pot onto the table, then distributes spaghetti, scampi, tomatoes and spinach leaves.

Voracious silence descends over the table.

Even though the delicious aroma tickles my nose, I can hardly get a bite down. For my stomach is tingling like a giant forest anthill. Using all my self-control, I avoid looking at Celine.

Finally, I empty my plate, wish everyone a nice evening and virtually flee to my apartment.

There I lean against the apartment door with soft knees.What if she doesn’t come?The idea makes me feel so nauseous that I almost throw up.

But just as I am about to let myself sink to the floor, there is a knock.

I don’t stop to call the person asking to come in. Instead, I pull open the door.

There she stands.



Her lips slightly parted, she looks up at me. And then there’s no stopping me.

Roughly I grab her by the arm, pull her in towards me and push the door shut with her body.

She gasps but doesn’t move a millimeter. Fixes me with her eyes.
