Page 15 of With Love, Melody

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Of the scent of an ocean breeze coming from her hair, winter or not. So Melody.

Of the way her chest was rising and falling beneath her scarf. Faster and faster, like her lungs might collapse.

Of her eyes glued to his face.

Of the tremor that quivered through her body, transferring into his hand and up his arm, straight to his heart.

She was reacting almost as if…almost as if she thought of him as more than a friend.

Her red lips parted, and his heart hammered louder and louder at the awareness of the small amount of space he would need to cross to drop a kiss onto those lips. How would she respond if he did just that?

Her face turned suddenly, sharply, her body withering away from him, pressing against the wall as far as she could go. TJ yanked himself back and dropped his hand from her hip. It burned.

Nope. He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t face rejection from Melody Reed a second time.

“Where are you going?” her voice sounded strangled behind him as he trudged down the hall.

“My place.”

“Why?” A frantic quality drenched her tone like she assumed she’d done the worst and lost him for forever.

“Not feeling well. Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.” He threw a strained smile over his shoulder, not making eye contact. “See you later.”

He’d just go home and be Jeremy. She seemed to like him better that way.

* * * * *

Curled up on her couch with her phone, Melody read the message that had come as she was getting home from the Halversons’. This Jeremy guy was persistent, but not in a creepy way. In a very sweet, endearing way.

Sweet and endearing like TJ.

Her shoulders slumped as she shoved the phone away. TJ was definitely upset at her about something. But she had no idea what she’d done.

Call her crazy, but she would bet her favorite sheet music that he’d considered kissing her in his parents’ hallway earlier that afternoon. The thought of kissing TJ sent a horde of butterflies careening through her belly so fast she got dizzy sitting still.

Maybe Lucy was on to something. She’d wondered at times over the years if TJ still had feelings for her. Feelings he excelled at hiding. Most of the time she was able to convince herself otherwise. Today she couldn’t. And she could only imagine how much pain she had caused TJ since high school if he never had gotten over his crush on her.

“Oh, TJ,” she sighed aloud. There was no one on earth dearer than TJ. No one who even came close. But she couldn’t be more than friends with him. If she was, he would see her for who she really was.

Then she’d lose him for good.

An ache yawned inside her like a chasm, and she clamped down firmly on thoughts of TJ. He was her best friend, and the only reason he stayed that way for so long was that she let him in just enough to keep him—and kept him out just enough not to lose him. She couldn’t do that with a boyfriend, as Drew had so aptly told her.

That’s why this online dating with Jeremy had sunk its claws into her and wouldn’t let go. She could be herself. The self she wished she could be with someone else. With TJ.

She could tell Jeremy all the things she longed to tell TJ—and he responded the way she wished and dreamed TJ would, all while knowing it would never happen.

She was living a fantasy right now. Only time would tell if it would last. She’d enjoy it while it did.

She read the message again before replying.

Dear Melody, I’m sitting at my window watching the snowflakes fall and thinking of you. I never let myself hope I’d connect with someone quite this deeply so quickly when I joined this dating app. I’m glad I did, despite my misgivings.

I admire what you must have gone through to obtain your degree. Was it a lot of pressure with performances? I’m not a fan of performing myself. I’m told I sing well, but I get shy on stage.

What led you to work at Artisan’s Hope? It’s a unique place from what I’ve heard about it.

I hope you’re having a good Sunday, and wherever you are, you are warm and cozy and filled with the knowledge that God cares for you. That always brings me comfort. – Thinking of you, Jeremy
