Page 64 of With Love, Melody

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“Don’t let him tonight, okay? You’re gorgeous, and we have an amazing family and so many blessings. Don’t let one man bent on misery make you forget how good you have it.”

Wise words. And one of her biggest blessings of all was her twin. “I love you, TJ.” She leaned in to give him a hug. “I’m so happy for you and Mel.”

His smile was brimming with excitement and love-drunk happiness. “Me, too.” As Lucy watched him walk away and sweep Melody into his arms for another dance, a delighted sigh sifted through her. Melody was the most blessed soul on the planet to have her brother’s heart. A love like that didn’t happen to just anyone. Theirs was the forever kind. The rare kind.

As the wedding wound down and Lucy’s body began to beg for rest and sleep, the MC called all the single ladies to gather for the bouquet toss.

It was midnight. Officially Valentine’s Day. The day for love. Lucy rolled her eyes. Maybe love was overrated. For her at least. Since she couldn’t find it. Or keep it.

She wasn’t paying attention to her surroundings until out of her peripheral vision she saw a bright bundle flying through the air. Arms outstretched, she rose on her toes to grasp it before it slammed into the woman beside her. Cheers and claps sounded, and she started with surprise at the object in her hand, a bundle of red roses and white calla lilies.

She’d caught the bride’s bouquet.

“You’re next, Lucy,” TJ’s distinct voice carried over the throngs, and she raised the flowers in the air with a victorious grin. Despite the mocking smile Silas was sending her way from where he watched across the room, she could hope.

She could hope that one day soon it would be her turn to fall into forever love.

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