Page 10 of My Rebel

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Her mom shifted to see who she was staring at.

“Oh my God! Is it true? Is that him, your boyfriend?” her mom choked out. “What did you say his name was? Vihaan?”

Tiya barely heard her mother over the pounding in her ears. Her entire being was zeroed in on the man approaching her. Dressed in a white v neck t-shirt, its short sleeves curving over his strong biceps, and blue denims, that sexy stubble lining his sharp jaw, his nose a perfect slash on his face, Vihaan Rajpoot looked hot as blazes.

Money, power, status, appearance, this man had it all in spades and the way he walked, with all that confidence oozing off of him, just added to his freaking allure. He strolled closer and she noted the lines of the tattoo on his bicep peeking from under the short sleeves of his t-shirt. Fuck! That tattoo… It always made her wonder what was inked on his skin. It looked all sharp angles, like a V with a line or something. Was that the only ink he sported or was there more on his body? Where? She wanted to see all the ink on his body. Her heart thudded.

God! Vihaan Rajpoot was a reckless heartbreaker, a player and he openly claimed he wasn’t nice. Yet, she found him irresistible. All her plans of forgetting him went down the drain as he stood in front of her, lavishing his heart-stopping smile at her. She’d met him a couple of times before. After all, he was her best friend Myra’s brother in-law. Tiya knew he was dangerous—a careless bet on her heart—but that hadn’t stopped her from thinking about him…lusting after him…if she were to be absolutely honest.

Yes, Vihaan Rajpoot was a bad boy who made her want to do bad things withhim,and like a fool, she’d gone and claimedhimas her boyfriend. His name had spilled from her lips and now her mom thought that she was datinghim.



Life sometimes gives you a hint in which direction to proceed. Seeing Tiya Sood having lunch atLa Soireejust a day after he’d made up his mind to go after her was definitely one such instance.

Tiya had something about her, something that made Vihaan want to take a second look and then another and then a few more. Her pale as cream complexion, high cheekbones, cute button nose and dancing eyes were highly attractive. Added to that, she had a body made of sin. Her drop-dead curves could make any hot-blooded man want to stop and stare. What enhanced her appeal even further was her more than average height. She was taller than the average Indian woman and yet not tall enough to reach beyond his chin.

But what he found really attractive was her loud and brash nature. She was his sister in-law, Myra’s best friend and on the few occasions they’d met in the past, Tiya had never hesitated to speak her mind with him. In fact, she loved putting him in place. Oh, and the words that came of out her mouth. They were just unbelievable!

She was just the kind of woman he liked. And that was why he’d stayed away from her so far. She could get under his skin if he wasn’t careful. But this was not about him. This was about his family. This was about getting Dev off their back and it was also about trying to discern how involved her father had been with Pritam Luthra all those years ago.

He gave her a broad smile as he approached her. “Hi, Tiya.”

“You’re her boyfriend?!” The lady with Tiya cut in before Tiya could say anything more.

Wait, what?

Vihaan arched a brow at Tiya. “I am?!”

Tiya swallowed. She blinked once, twice, as if she couldn’t believe he was actually in front of her. She leveled him with an annoyed look, her lips curving into a sexy pout. His smile widened.

The woman with Tiya was studying him keenly. She looked to be in her early fifties, was immaculately dressed and she was…Tiya’s mom. They had the same eyes and nose, not to mention the same pale-as-cream complexion for it to be otherwise.

Tiya had told her mom that he was her boyfriend?! Why? His lips tipped up. This was surprising, and fit in perfectly with his plan. Fate. Yes, fate had brought her here today, indeed.

“Please sit with us.” Her mom pointed to a chair. “Apparently my daughter has lost her speech and her manners. I’m her mother, by the way.” She held a hand out to him. “Naina Sood.”

“Vihaan Rajpoot.” He took her hand, shaking it briefly. He flashed Tiya an amused grin before adding, “I’m Tiya’s…boyfriend, and I am happy to meet you.”

He dropped into the seat beside Tiya.

“Hi, baby,” he whispered loud enough for her mother to hear, before kissing her cheek. Her skin was satiny smooth and fragrant from a delicious scent he couldn’t quite place. His lips lingered on her cheek for a second longer and her breath hitched. He heard it.

Fuck! Her reaction to him was priceless. Until now, he’d never known what effect he had on her. Whether she even felt something when she was in his presence had been a question mark. She’d always been cool and composed around him—a perfect ice princess. In the past, her icy demeanor gave away nothing of what she felt for him. Right now, he’d caught her by surprise and to see her react to him the way she had, further proved that he was indeed on the right track with her. Tiya Sood wasn’t unaffected by him. He could woo her and win her. After all she’d made it even easier by announcing, for some hitherto unknown reason, that he was her boyfriend.

“You look good, babe,” he added with a naughty grin, running his eyes over her.

And she did look good. Her dark hair was swept into a high pony tail, her bangs a bit longer than before resting on the side of her forehead. Dressed in a khaki green short skirt and a beige roll neck sleeveless top… He tilted his head, grinning as he saw her mile-high legs encased in thigh high boots. Fuck! She looked hot, even seated with her booted legs crossed.

His eyes met her furious ones. His grin broadened. Her lips pursed. She was mad at him. As if it was all his fault that she was in this situation.

“Tiya, why have you gone so quiet?” her mother queried. A small wrinkle formed between her mom’s brows as her eyes drifted between Tiya and him.

“Oh, I have that effect on her,” Vihaan said, lightly. He caught Tiya’s hand in his and linked their fingers together.

Her mom’s brow wrinkled some more before she smiled, clearing her expression to say, “So, Vihaan, I want to get to know the man who’s finally snagged my daughter’s interest. Tiya had just started to tell me about you.”
