Page 20 of My Rebel

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His gaze snapped to where Dev and Jatin Sood were chatting. Dev said something to him and the older man’s gaze zeroed on Vihaan, his eyes sharpening as they rested on him. Those two looked to be very close. Hopefully, that would ensure her safety.

Nonetheless, he’d ensure he spent minimum time with her so she was safe and away from him and the colossal ruin his life was.

Perhaps she was right. They needed some rules between them.

“I agree to us having rules,” he said.

She rocked back. “What?”

“I said, I agree to the rules. Let’s discuss.”

“I know what you said,” she snapped back. “You’re just jumping from one topic to the other, confusing me and thus avoiding my questions.”

Her mom, Naina Sood, approached them. “Tiya, I need to introduce you to a friend. Come with me.”

“Poo on a stick,” she cursed softly.

He chuckled. She did say the most absurd things.

“Yet another aunty who’ll judge me on my marital status.” Tiya grumbled. “That’s all I need.”

“Just point me to them,” he assured. “I am your back up tonight.”

She pursed her lips.

“I’m not done talking to you. Wait for me, I’ll be back,” she whispered before leaving him to go with her mom.

He smiled, watching her walk away, her hips swaying sexily with every step she took. She paused ahead, and looked at him over her shoulder. Her brow squinted as she found him watching her. She shook her head, disappearing into the crowd.

His gaze wandered around the vast lawns. This was so not his scene. It had been years since he’d attended a lavish function, an Indian party no less. He didn’t have many friends. There were few outsiders in his inner circle.

But things were already changing. First Shaurya had entered their lives and through him, Myra. And now, for a short while, he’d be forced to be with Tiya too. He’d ensure it was only for the limited amount of time it took him to glean out her father’s connection, if at all, with Vihaan’s past, and to try and buy her father out.

Tiya and he would be only platonic. That was the safest way to proceed. His heart, however, rebelled at that thought. His body, too, rejected the idea because the truth was that he liked her and he was drawn to her.

She was sharp and feisty, and the things that came out of her smart mouth were just so unexpected and unpredictable. And her attitude—it was so bloody attractive. She had that are-you-man-enough-to-handle-meattitude, which just made him want to prove that yes, he was indeed man enough to handle her.

He let out a breath. He would ensure he maintained a safe distance from her for both their sakes.

Anything else spelled nothing but disaster.


Tiya returned to where she’d left Vihaan but he wasn’t there. She scanned the crowd, but she couldn’t spot him anywhere. Where was he? They really needed to talk.

She peered in the direction of the bar.

“He’s not there.”

She spun around. Dev was standing behind her, watching her silently.

She frowned. “Where is he then?”

Dev approached her slowly, his eyes never leaving her, assessing her. A shudder ran through her. He looked like a predator waiting to pounce on his prey. She gritted her teeth. She wasn’t going to be intimidated by the likes of him, ever.

“Gone,” Dev said. A corner of his lip tipped up slowly. “How is it that he simply left without telling you? Aren’t you guys dating?”

She shrugged. “Something must have come up, I’m sure. And yes, wearedating.”
