Page 33 of My Rebel

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Her best friend’s angry gaze swung to her. “Don’t you dare ask me to calm down. You’re no better. You’ve had the fucking hots for him since the first time you laid eyes on him. I warned you too to leave him alone and yet you didn’t.”

“You’ve had the hots for me since the first time you saw me?” Vihaan asked from behind Tiya. “Hmm. Interesting.”

“Be quiet, you,” Tiya shot back. She faced Myra. “Listen to me…”

Myra looked at Vihaan. “I warned you. I begged and pleaded to not involve her, and yet you did just that. How do you think this is going to end, huh?”

Tiya pulled Myra’s hand. “Listen to me. This isn’t his fault. It’s mine. I involved him in my mess. My parents want Dev Luthra to marry me and so I told them that Vihaan was my boyfriend.”

“What?” Myra exchanged a frantic look with Shaurya. “Your parents want you to marry Dev Luthra? No, absolutely not. That is never going to happen.”

“Thankfully, that seems to be off the table now that they think I’m dating him.” She tipped her head at Vihaan.

“But I don’t understand,” Myra looked from Tiya to Vihaan and back at her. “Are you really dating one another or is this pretend? And if it is pretend then what the bloody hell was going on when we entered right now?”

Her voice rose a decibel with every word she spoke.

“Myra…” Shaurya called out gently, approaching her. “It’s okay, darling.”

Her eyes watered and she shook her head. “No, it’s not okay. We’ve got enough troubles already. I didn’t want her involved in this. It’s not fair to her.”

Shaurya drew her in his arms as Myra sniffed against his chest. Tiya exchanged a puzzled look with Vihaan. Myra crying didn’t make any sense to her. In fact, Myra wasn’t making any sense today.

“Shaurya, what’s going on?” Vihaan asked, looking as confused as Tiya felt.

He sighed. “We just found out that we’re going to have a baby and she’s a bit emotional since then.”

“What?” Vihaan choked out. “A baby?!”

“Oh my God, that’s so cool,” Tiya shrieked. She pulled Myra in her arms. “I’m so happy for you.”

But Myra remained silent. She wiped a tear that spilled down her cheek.

Tiya held her shoulders. “Hey, what’s wrong? You are happy about this, right?”

When Myra didn’t reply, she looked at Shaurya. “Right?”

“We are delighted, of course,” Shaurya said.

But Tiya wasn’t convinced.

She faced Myra. “Something is wrong. What are you not telling me?”

Myra gave her a watery smile. “Nothing. It’s just the hormones.”

“No, I know you. This ought to be the happiest time of your life and you look…sad.”

Tiya looked up and found Vihaan and Shaurya engaged in a nonverbal stare. Vihaan hadn’t even congratulated them. In fact, he looked worried. Terrified.

She heaved out an agitated breath.

Great. More secrets. Her friend was troubled because she was having a baby and except for Tiya, everyone understood why.


How was she to help her then?

A sudden thought struck her. “Myra, you’re not sick, are you? Please tell me it’s not serious.”
