Page 39 of My Rebel

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“Good. I forgot to tell you something important. My parents have been bugging me about you. Dad thinks you may not be right for me.”

He squinted into the screen.“Huh! Why? He doesn’t even know me.”

“I know that. He’s not saying much. Maybe it’s your hair. I suppose, you don’t look son-in-law material.”

“God! What is it with people and my hair? My brother’s constantly bugging me to cut it too. He hates it.”

It was annoying that everyone seemed to have a problem with the way he wore his hair. First his brother and now Tiya’s dad. Couldn’t a man do what he wished without garnering negative feedback about it?

“So cut it ”Tiya replied.

“No way in hell. I like it. Makes me look rugged.”

“Yeah, right. So, can I ask you a question?”

He smiled. Of course, she wouldn’t be able to contain her curiosity for too long.

His phone lit up with a call.

“Typing was too tedious…” she complained as soon he answered. “My parents want you to come home for dinner over the coming weekend. But I told them you and I were going on a date, and that you’d just drop in when you came to fetch me.”

“I’m taking you on a date?”

Alarm bells rang in his head. He was expected to take her on a date to make their relationship believable to her parents. But after what had happened between them, he wasn’t sure that it was a good idea to be alone with her again.

“We have to go on dates, it’s expected. Especially when I return to town after a few days.” She clucked her tongue. “I’m sure it won’t be that much of a chore. We can just go for a drink some place for an hour and you can drop me home.”

Him and her alone, again, so soon after their explosive encounter. No. It wasn’t a good idea. He’d barely come to terms with what had happened between them earlier.

“Why not just dinner with your folks?”

“Because we hardly know anything about one another. Let’s get to know each other better before you spend an entire dinner with my parents. They need to believe we are real. That’s why I need to ask you some questions.”

Perhaps she was right. Showing her parents that he was taking her out on dates would make them more believable. And like she said, the date needn’t be long. They’d just go out a bit, grab a drink and then he’d drop her back. Easy.

“Fine, ask what you want.” He gave in, reclining on the bed. “Just beware I may not reply to all your queries.”

He could feel her eyes roll across the phone line and hear the sound of her heavy breaths as she stayed silent for several moments.

“Go ahead, hellcat, ask.”

“I’m thinking. Wait. Okay, what is the one thing very few people know about you?”

“Is that what you want to ask?”

“No. There’s a ton of questions I actually want to ask, but most of them you won’t answer anyway. So, why waste time?”

“Very judicious of you. Honestly, I expected you to start with something mundane like my favourite colour or something.”

“Oh please. I know it’s white.”

His jaw fell to the floor. “You know my favourite colour is white? How?”

“I’m very observant, and you wear a lot of white.”

He didn’t quite know how to respond to that.

“What’s yours?” he asked instead.
