Page 59 of My Rebel

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She sneaked a peek at Myra who was watching both of them intently.

“After?” Vihaan prompted.

“Go away. I don’t like you right now. I’m mad at you and you don’t want to be around me when I’m this mad.”

Myra snorted.

Tiya swung her angry gaze on her. “What do you want?”

“Hey. You weren’t answering my calls and texts either,” Myra said. “I had to find out from your mom where you were. I was worried about you.”

“Then you should have worried alone. Why bring him with you?”

“Because he was worried too. We both wanted to check on you.”

Tiya spun around, her eyes shooting daggers at him, which of course had no effect on him. In fact, he just stuck his hands in his pockets and gave her a lazy smile.

“I’d rather swim naked in the sea than have him here right now,” Tiya mumbled.

“That can definitely be arranged,” Vihaan said, causing Myra to chuckle.

Tiya slammed her hands on her hips, facing her. “Hey, who’s side are you on?”

“Yours, babe. Always yours,” Myra replied. “But this is rather entertaining. You always say the funniest things and his reaction to them is priceless. Carry on, will you?”

Tiya threw her a glower, which made Myra chuckle even harder.

“Tiya…” Vihaan began, but she cut him off with an angry finger.

“You’re mental…loco…mad…if you think I want to talk to you.”

“We will talk, Tiya, one way or the other.”

“I hate you.”

Vihaan’s expression faltered for a bit before he straightened. “I’ll be outside. Call me in when you’re done with your temper tantrum.”

“That will be NEVER,” she yelled at his departing form.

He turned and gave her a smirk and a wave.

“What does he think of himself?” Tiya said, once he’d left.

Myra giggled.

“What’s so funny?” Tiya asked.

“You are,” Myra replied. “When Vihaan told me he needed my help to get to you, I didn’t realize you’re going to behave so difficult.”

Tiya glared at her. “He barges in here unannounced and uses you to get to me, and, somehow, I’m the bad one?”

Myra pulled her into a chair. “What is going on with you? I’ve never seen you behave so unhinged ever. Why are you so angry with him?”

Tiya pointed a finger at the window, where Vihaan was playing football with the kids.

“Him. That man. He’s my problem. I wish I’d never laid eyes on him. Then I’d never have to deal with him.”

“Huh! Last week you said something entirely different to me. You wanted to see where it was going. So, why are you upset now?”
