Page 62 of My Rebel

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“I was an unreasonable jerk to you, and you’re sorry?” he queried.

Her hands rested on his shoulders and the familiar heat crept up his body. God! Why was it like this with her? Why her?

“Yes, you were unreasonable and a world class jerk,” she said. “But I didn’t make it easy for you either. I was pushing your buttons too. You didn’t want to be in a serious relationship. You were honest about your intentions right from the start. You told me in clear words that you and I could never be more, yet I tried to change the rules.”

“I think I helped you break many of those rules too, and that is my fault.” He placed his hand atop hers. “I like you, Tiya, I really do. And when we’re together… It’s something else. But, I’m not the one for you.” When her face fell, he squeezed her hand. “Trust me, this is not about you at all. My life is far too complex and it’s impossible for me to have a serious relationship with anyone.”

She pulled her hand out from under his, stepping back and just like that all the warmth evaporated from his skin, leaving him cold like always.

She tipped her chin to his head. “Are we doing this?”

He nodded. “Do your thing. Surprise me.”

She rubbed her hands together. “Oh, this is going to be so much fun.”

He watched her through the mirror, as she worked on his hair, her concentration fully on the task at hand.

“How often do you do this? I mean provide haircuts to the kids here,” he said, looking around the room through the mirror. The place looked well-equipped, with plenty of toys and games for the children to play. One wall even sported a flat screen TV.

“Not often,” she said, her scissors snipping through his hair. “I try to do it at least twice a year if I can.”

“That’s amazing, nonetheless.”

“Hmm. It’s not a big deal actually. I wish I could do more, but I honestly don’t have the time. My work is so hectic. I’ve even moved away from mainstream salon services to focus solely on my hair and makeup academy, plus my appointments for bridal styling.”

“I suppose I’m lucky then that you’re doing this for me.”

She tugged on his hair. Hard. “Flattery won’t get you a better haircut, mister.”

He shifted to look at her. “But it may just get you to be my friend.”

She paused, before angling his head to face down.

“Are we to be friends now?” she asked softly.

“I’d like that. That is if you want it too.”

“I’ll think about it.”

She worked quietly for several minutes as clumps of his long hair fell to the floor. Finally, she removed a hair trimmer from her pocket.

“You look like you’ve cut so much already and you’re still going at it,” Vihaan mentioned, feeling a tad bit nervous now as she pushed his head down and ran the trimmer machine down his nape.

She laughed. “Don’t worry, I won’t make you look like a total punk.”

“God! I hope not.”

Soon, she was dusting his face and neck for the residual hair. She lifted her hair dryer and stood in front of him to set his hair. Her hands worked through his strands rapidly. She stood so close to him that he could smell her sexy, mouth-watering scent. God! He’d begun to love strawberries now. He swallowed. Not going there, he told himself over and over.

Switching off the hair dryer, she moved away from him and Vihaan looked at his reflection. He blinked, once, twice. It was really him in the mirror. And he looked…great.

Tiya had done a marvelous job. She’d chopped the entire length of his hair from behind and left it to fall in messy waves on the top of his head. He looked so different. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d had such short hair in years. But it suited him. He ran his hand through his shorter locks. He liked it… No, he loved it.

Tiya stood still behind him, waiting for his verdict.

“Wow,” he exclaimed. “I look…I look pretty damn good.”

Her lips curved. “Yeah, you do look good. You don’t look like a bad boy at all.”
