Page 79 of My Rebel

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“God! You’re so tight,” Vihaan groaned.

He pushed deeper into her and her skin tightened. His pace increased and his thrusts became harder, like he was losing control fast. Her body began to move of its own accord in tandem with his, taking all that he was giving her. Grabbing her legs, he wrapped them around his waist. The change in position caused him to slide in deeper. He growled, his thrusts becoming more frenzied. Each heavy stroke pushed her further over the edge. Her mind began to spin and electricity danced over her skin.

Blackness coated the edges of her eyes. She was falling. Her arms and legs tightened around him as wave after wave of pleasure spiraled through her. Her legs went numb, her mind followed, but Vihaan continued to thrust inside her for a few seconds more until he roared, shaking in her arms.

He finally collapsed on her, his breathing as unsteady as hers as he held her tight. For so long, she’d wanted him. She’d always imagined that if they ever came together like this then it would be like a forest fire sweeping over her senses. Exactly like she had imagined, he had swept over her like a storm and destroyed her mind. However, nothing had prepared her for this level of intimacy and warmth that she felt when she lay in his arms like this, their breaths mingling and hearts racing.

Vihaan lifted himself slightly and she looked up into his eyes, the brown lighter now. His lips curved into a soft smile and her heart rate ticked up a notch. She finally allowed herself to accept what she’d been denying for the longest.

She’d fallen hard for him.

She was in love with Vihaan Rajpoot—a bad boy who wouldn’t and couldn’t commit to her. Yet, she didn’t regret one moment in his arms. She ought to run fast and away from him before she fell any harder, but she’d stay for today.

Today, for just one day, she’d gift herself this jubilant feeling of being his and claiming him as hers.

She only hoped and prayed that tomorrow never came.


Vihaan pulled himself off Tiya and captured her in his arms, still coming to terms with everything. He held her close to him, unable to let her go. Tiya’s touch had always warmed him, but making love to her had heated him from the inside. She had lit him on fire. No. It wasn’t a mere fire. It had been a conflagration.

It had completely consumed him, body and soul. Until now, he hadn’t known that another person could warm him such, but now he knew it wasn’t just any person. It was all her.

Only her. Tiya. She was the only one who’d managed to take away the coldness that had wrapped around his body twelve years ago on that one dark night.

Tiya rested her head on his chest and he played with the silky strands of her hair. Ever since that day in the past, he’d lived only for his siblings. Everything he’d done had been for them. Everything he’d do in the future also was for them and their happiness. Thus, to ensure that the monster who had haunted them for so long disappeared from their lives, he’d have to give up this warm, wonderful woman in his arms.

Not today, though.

For one single day, he wanted to live for just himself. He wanted to steal a small slice of time to be a man who was falling for a woman, even though he couldn’t have for more than today.

“You’re awfully quiet.” Tiya kissed his cheek, watching him.

“I’m thinking which surface to make love to you next on.”

“What did you come up with?”

“I’m thinking the dining table or against that window you liked so much. Imagine, you watching the whole of the city spread below you, while I take you from behind.”

The hitch in her breath delighted him.

“I think you like that idea, hellcat.”

Her throat bobbed.

Vihaan rolled her beneath him. “In fact, I think you’re going to like everything I’m going to do to you.”

He pressed his mouth against her throat and her stomach rumbled loudly.

He laughed. “Food first, I think!”

“I want coffee, and good coffee at that.”

“How very demanding of you!”

She leapt out of the bed, wearing his grey t-shit and rushed to the guest bedroom. He quickly took a shower and went to the kitchen to prepare a quick meal.

A few minutes later, Tiya entered the kitchen dressed only in the white shirt he’d left for her earlier. His eyes hungrily took her in, liking her in his clothes.
