Page 88 of My Rebel

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A wrinkle formed between his brows.

Someone called her name. Tiya turned as the bride’s mother motioned for her to come forth.

“I’ll be back in a moment. Rajvi’s mom is calling me. I’ll just go check what’s happened.” At his nod, she said, “We really do need to talk.”

He lowered his chin and looked away from her. Warning bells rang inside her head. It was probably her own guilt acting up for keeping him in the dark for so long. She just needed to finish her duties for the night and then she’d talk everything out with Vihaan. She turned, found him watching her and gave him a broad smile before she spun around to go do her job.

Vihaan watchedTiya walk away from him. She paused, whirled to face him and gave him a heart stopping smile that hit him smack dab in the middle of his chest.

Fuck! He loved her.

There. He’d finally said it to himself. His lips curved. She gave him a naughty wink before she walked ahead. She was exactly everything he’d ever wanted in a woman—sexy, spunky, wild.

He watched her stop and chat with someone before heading towards the lady waiting for her. His heart tumbled. How radiant she was tonight in her black sari. Etched with a dark green border and a matching wide-neck, green shimmery blouse, her eyes smoky and lips painted a bold red, she was stunning. He’d take great pleasure in unwrapping her from that gorgeous outfit…until he remembered that after tonight, he’d never be able to touch her again. He’d never again make love to her or even hear her voice.

His heart sank.

He’d never promised Tiya a future, but he knew she wanted one with him. It shone in her eyes each time she watched him. It was there in the way she kissed him or touched him…like he was precious. Like he was the one for her.

He shut his eyes on a heavy sigh.

The last few days with her had been a beautiful slice in time, one he’d cherish forever. But they were that only. A moment stolen; a moment lived. And now his heart ached with what he had to do.

Tonight, he’d end everything with her and he’d tell her the truth why he had to do it. She deserved that much from him at least. Keeping his family safe was top priority. He was doing this for them.

“You look like someone on the verge of losing his world.”

He spun around on hearing that dreaded voice.

“What do you want now?” Vihaan growled. His temper quickened on finding Dev Luthra behind him.

“You really do know how to fly under the radar,” Dev said. He casually tucked his hands in his pockets. “My people have been searching for you for days. But they haven’t been able to conclude where you live or where you work.”

“I’ve picked up a few tricks in the twelve years I was forced to hide from you.”

Dev lowered his chin in acknowledgement before saying, “UsingPoseidon’s building was quite a genius move. I still don’t know whether you live there or whether you’re just using it as a place to secretly move in and out.”

Vihaan stayed silent, refusing to divulge by expression or word anything more to Dev. His enemy was way too sharp and intelligent. He was only glad that his entire ploy of usingPoseidonas his base had worked. All the deception he’d employed had worked in his favour.

Dev waved a dismissive hand in the air. “No worries, I will figure it all out eventually. You will see thatIam inevitable. But that is not why I came looking for you tonight.”

“Speak fast then. Your very presence disgusts me.”

Dev’s face tightened for the shortest of seconds before a mask dropped back in place.

“Have you forgotten our dare?” Dev taunted.

“I haven’t.”

“By my estimation your three weeks are up,old friend. Are you going to answer my questions or am I leaving town?”

“Oh, you’re leaving town.”

“Does that mean you’re not in love with your fake girlfriend?”

His soul wept thinking of the next words he had to utter, but he did it anyway. He raised his jaw. “I’m not in love with her.”

“Yet a few moments ago, you looked crushed.”
