Page 102 of My Sinner

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Sanjana swallowed. Avantika understood her agony all too well.

Last night had been hard on all of them. Avantika had struggled to sleep herself. Her mind kept recalling everything she’d learned over and over. It was only after Dev had held her close that she’d managed to get some shut-eye.

But this morning, she’d woken up with a better perspective. She had to move on and close that chapter of her life. She had to move forward.

“You can forget about the past now,” Avantika encouraged. “Your father won’t hurt you ever again. And none of it was your fault. You simply got caught in between everything. We all got caught, and none of us deserved what happened to us. But hey, we’re all stronger, and we are finally together, right?”

Sanjana’s lips tipped, and her eyes brightened. “You’re right. We are together, and that’s what counts.”

They walked further, safe in the knowledge that the house was guarded by the security Aaryan had put in place. They still didn’t know who’d fired the shot that had wounded Dev, but she hoped they’d all get to the bottom of that soon. Frankly, she just wanted to return home to Dubai. That city was her safe haven, and she itched to take Dev and Neil and go back. As soon as Dev returned, she’d suggest it to him.

“I only hope Vihaan comes around,” Sanjana said. “I heard Aaryan talk to him in the morning. He was still sullen and difficult.”

“That’s why after breakfast, I sent Neil to visit him at the hotel he’s staying at. Vihaan may be mad at the world, but he can’t be mad at my son, ever. And being with Neil will definitely change his mood.”

“That’s true,” Sanjana agreed. “The good thing is that Neil can’t stop talking about how wonderful Dev is as a father. I hope he tells Vihaan that as well. I hope Vihaan gives Dev a chance.”

“I hope so too.”

Vihaan had to believe in Dev. She would never be happy if one of her brothers was still in doubt about Dev’s role in their past. She needed all the men in her life to be at peace with one another again.

“I hope Neil didn’t overhear anything last night,” Sanjana asked.

“Dev ensured he was fast asleep before he told his tale to all of us.”

Sanjana gave her a relieved look. “I’m glad to know that. That boy has a penchant for being in places he ought not to be in. He’s silent as a mouse when he moves around and hears things he definitely shouldn’t.”

Avantika chuckled. “He’ll be home shortly and be hungry again. We ought to return to the house in a few minutes.”

Sanjana halted. “I do hope Neil never learns of our sordid history. He only needs to grow up happy and surrounded by people who dote on him.”

“Unfortunately, I don’t think that will happen,” a male voice said.

The two of them whirled.

Sanjana frowned. “Uncle Raj?”

She took a step forward, but Avantika pulled her back as she saw the gun in the man’s hand. Behind him stood two armed men.

Sanjana took in the men and exchanged a confused look with Avantika. She faced her uncle again. “Why are you pointing a gun at us?”

“Because it was time I took things into my own hands,” Uncle Raj said. “I’ve realized nothing gets done when you sit on the side and give instructions.”

“I…I don’t understand,” Sanjana said.

Fear trickled down Avantika’s spine as she finally put two and two together.

“He’s the reason Dev got shot,” she choked out. “He’s also the one who caused the mine to explode.”

“What?” Sanjana gasped. “No. That can’t be true.”

Dev’s uncle smiled viciously, and goosebumps erupted on Avantika’s skin. She looked around. They’d walked quite a distance away from the house and were all alone here.

“It is true, my dear,” Raj Chauhan said. “Causing that mine to explode was the first step in getting Dev to return to Shimla. I knew he wouldn’t come without her.” He pointed his gun at Avantika. “That shot wasn’t intended for Dev. It was intended for her. But Dev, fool that he is, came in the way. He’s always been such an idiot about her.”

“What are you talking about, Uncle?” Sanjana asked, stepping in front. “What is wrong with you?”

Avantika pulled her back again. She’d suspected this man was cruel, and now she was witnessing it firsthand.
