Page 34 of My Sinner

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A corner of his lips tipped, showing that damn indent at the corner of his mouth. “What can I say… I am relentless.”

She heaved out a breath. “Fine. Go ahead. Ask what you want.”

He tipped his head to the camera lying next to her. “I see you taking the camera everywhere. Did you finally study photography? Is that now your profession or a passion?”

“I did study it, eventually. Now, it’s both; my passion and my profession. I am a wedding photographer, and most of my projects are elite weddings, preferably those of non-Indians.”

There was no harm in telling him this. After all, he’d go away from her life once this time was over. If nothing else, Sanjana would ensure he kept his word to her.

“Why non-Indians?” Dev queried. His finger began to trace the corner of his jaw, as was usual to him.

She lifted her teacup to her mouth. “One guess.”

He tapped his lips for a second. “Me.”

“The world is too small as it is, and I wanted no chance of you finding me, ever.”

“Luckily for me, I did find you.”

She rolled her eyes. “You don’t need to constantly keep reminding me of that.”

He ignored her barb and leaned forward. “Tell me more about you.”

“Well, I have a bachelor’s degree in Arts and…”


“And…that’s more than enough info sharing about me.” She didn’t want to tell him more, thus allowing him to probe further into her personal life.

He made a face. “Okay, tell me about your brothers then. I’m quite interested in Shaurya. He’s an outsider, yet you all treat him as one of your own.”

“Shaurya isnotan outsider,” she corrected. “He’s my best friend, and he’s our brother in every way that counts.”

“It’s amazing how you all have accepted him as such.”

“It wasn’t too hard, really.” She couldn’t help but smile thinking of her brother. “He came to us at a time when he was completely lost. He and I forged an immediate bond. Shaurya is my go-to person. He’s the one I confide in the most. He knows me even better than Aaryan and Vihaan.”

Surprise washed over his face. “And Aaryan and Vihaan are okay with it?”

“They honestly have nothing to complain about. They have a unique bond because of them being twins. They are easily able to read each other’s mind and emotions. It’s hard for anyone else to fit into their equation. That doesn’t mean their bond with me or Shaurya is any less; it’s just…different.”

Dev looked into his coffee mug. “I never had a problem fitting into Aaryan and Vihaan’s equation. In fact, Aaryan could read my mind and emotions as easily as he could read Vihaan’s. And I could do the same with both of them. But Aaryan…he was my anchor. My go-to person for any and everything… And Vihaan…He and I used to argue about everything. It was just the way we connected.”

“And yet…” She spread a hand out, refusing to repeat the obvious.

“And yet I did what I had to in the past,” Dev completed with a sigh. His gaze slipped past her, and he looked into the distance.

She studied him. Dev looked dejected. Lost. Sad. Seeing him like that was a tad bit shocking. His tone implied he missed that bond with her brothers, which was bizarre to even conclude after all that Dev had done to them. Yet, his face spoke otherwise unless he was a great actor. No. That didn’t make sense. Why would he need to act around her? Unless it was to force her to hear his version of their shared history. Yes, it had to be that only.

She tapped her hand on the table, drawing his attention. “Okay, that’s enough about my family. Let’s talk about you.”

He arched a brow. “You want to know about me?”

If he was trying to manipulate her in any way, she would also use any information he gave her. She’d store that in her mind to be used at a future time if it came to it. Yes, that was a wise thing to do, she convinced herself. She refused to accept that she was even remotely curious about him and the man he’d become.

Ignoring her rioting thoughts, she asked, “What have you been up to for the last so many years?”

“My main agenda has been to make money, ensure that Sanjana was looked after, and search foryou, especially after my father passed away.”
