Page 87 of My Sinner

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She focused on Dev. His breaths were all raspy, his chest rising and falling erratically. His face was wracked with pain.

“It hurts…” he whispered.

“The ambulance will be here soon. You’re going to be fine! You hear me?!”

His hold on her hand weakened as more blood pulsed out of him, staining her hands, and her clothes everywhere. His eyes slid shut.

“DEV!” she yelled. “Look at me.”

He peeled his eyes open. Despair was written in them.

He raised a trembling blood-stained hand to her cheek. “I love you…”

Her eyes watered.

“No… Not like this. Tell me when you’re better.”

“I love you,” he whispered again, stroking her jaw. “Everything…I’ve done…has been for…you.”

Fear knotted her gut.

“Where’s that ambulance?” she roared at the assembled staff around them.

She was losing him. He was dying in her arms. She’d just found him, and he was being taken away from her. She wouldn’t allow it.

His hand fell from her face. His eyes closed.

“No.” She kissed his forehead. “Dev, look at me.”

But he lay still.

She wailed. “NO!”

She couldn’t lose him. Not now, when she’d finally found him again. When her son had finally found his father. It was too much. Fate couldn’t be so cruel as to tear them apart a second time. She couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t think as Dev lay lifeless in her arms. If only she’d not asked him to go for a walk. If only she hadn’t been so scared of the past. If only she’d put her entire faith in him.

She screamed, her howls echoing in the emptiness around her. This was all her fault. Dev had taken a bullet intended for her. He’d saved her life…

And she was beginning to believe it was not the first time.


Blood stained her hands. She stared at them, unable to think, unable to even move as she stared at the shut doors of the operation theatre where Dev had been wheeled in mere moments ago.

God! Please save him.

She wiped her hands on her jeans, plucked her phone out of her pocket, and dialled a number.

“Avi?” Aaryan said as soon as he answered.

Hearing her brother’s voice broke her tremulous hold on her emotions. A sob escaped her mouth, and she began to cry.

“Avi, you’re scaring me. What’s wrong?”

“He’s been shot, Aaryan. Dev…he’s in surgery. He has lost so much blood.”

“Fuck! What happened?” Aaryan asked. “Tell me everything.”

She recounted the whole incident and how Dev had pushed her away, taking the bullet meant for her.
