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“I really don’t know what’s going to happen to Eddie. He’s under an enormous strain and doesn’t seem to understand the consequences of his actions. He doesn’t have the slack a ‘normal’ young adult would have if they made any mistakes. He’s not maturing the way he should. I guess he’s been babied too much.” David paused.

Clara smiled sympathetically. She hadn’t known David long, and already he was opening up to her. Clara appreciated David’s gentle soul. She was drawn in by his compassion and concern over Eddie.

“My family wants him to attend Sandhurst and go into military service, but I know from experience he won’t do well in an environment like that. He needs to learn to be his own man, his own way, on his own terms.”

“From the brief time I’ve spent with Eddie, I can tell you that already he seems changed. I can’t put my finger on what it is. If you would have told me that the drunk who knocked me over was the same person I met today, I wouldn’t believe you. I believe Eddie is the type of person who will end up taking the long path in life to get to where he needs to,” Clara added. Clara stared at Eddie, then David, trying to piece together their relationship. What were they like when they were alone? Was David the workaholic she observed at the airport, or the reserved, kindly problem solver?

“Look, I’m sorry about lunch again. My intention wasn’t to invite you over today to hear about our family drama. Rather, I was hoping you might feel up to seeing some of the London landmarks today, unless you would like to be brought back to your hotel. We can use Michael to drop us off at the British Museum in Holborn first.”

“That sounds lovely, except I don’t think I’ve quite gotten the hang of using these crutches. I’m not normally one to admit defeat, but I’m probably going to need a wheelchair.”

“Already a step ahead of you, if you’re willing.”

“Let’s do it. But first?…” Clara pulled out her phone and took a photo of the sleeping Eddie. “Just for my own use. Nobody else will ever see this. I promise I won’t leak them to the press, if you’re worried about that.”

“Clara, I trust you. We’ll return here for our non-date dinner.”

“As long as I’m not falling asleep, that sounds like a plan.”

Clara shivered with pleasure. David’s careful thoughts and concerns for her made her feel like she was royalty. No man had ever given her much thought. In the past, many men had no attraction to Clara’s flat, boyish body. Clara never had a serious boyfriend. She’d lived vicariously through Amanda. Her dancing was her focus. The injury had Clara reconsidering her priorities. How amazing was it to have a person put so much thought and attention into you? David intrigued Clara. Just what were his passions? What was he always working on? Just who was David Leeds?

David neededto run over to his apartment to grab a few things. While waiting in the car for him, she sent off a series of quick text messages to Amanda just to ensure she had made it back to the states.

Clara: Did you make it home safely?

Amanda: Just returning home from a double shift. Feel like I’ll sleep for a week. Safe and sound though. How was the gala?

Clara: Gala was good. Will give you the entire retelling on video chat. Wanted to tell you that you will never believe what I’ve been through the last two days.

Amanda: Way to leave a girl hanging. I knew you’d kill it! Have to sleep and shower. Let’s say early afternoon, my time.

Clara: You got it. There is an eight hour time difference. Can we do 11 a.m. your time, which is 7 p.m. here? I promise the story is worth getting up to chat with me :)

Amanda: Okay :) Off to the land of sleep now. G’Night.



David and Clara took their time meandering through the galleries of the British Museum and enjoying looking from case to case. David’s security team discreetly posed as tourists, never far from the pair. Tourists, more interested in selfies and seeing art, ignored them. Clara had to hand it to David. Attempting to be as non-descript as possible, David had worn his self-proclaimed ‘public outing’ outfit: a blue button-up shirt, a baseball cap, glasses, and dark wash jeans.

David gave off a Clark Kent vibe in his glasses. She had a weakness for seeing David in those tortoiseshell glasses.Let’s see if his mind is as sharp as his body.If he was being photographed in public, he almost never wore them. His clothes fit his body like a glove and showed off his broad chest, muscular arms, and toned body. If he stood next to one of the Greek and Roman statues, he would have no trouble fitting in.

“There are over eight million objects. We won’t be able to see nearly as much as you want to see, but I have an idea of what you might be interested in if you’ll allow me to be your tour guide.” David pushed Clara’s wheelchair and allowed her to browse a map of the galleries of the British Museum.

“If it means you get to push me along and I get to snap photos, then by all means. My only special request is that we start with the Egyptian antiquities.” Clara’s head moved every which way, wanting to read every single plaque that interested her.

They moved at a leisurely pace until Gallery 4 where three large tour groups stood unaware of their surroundings. They pushed past one another and jockeyed to get as close as they could to the Rosetta Stone case. David’s security team would not allow him to get near the crowd. They compromised and allowed George to push Clara in her wheelchair up to take a quick look and soak in the tight, neat carvings in hieroglyphics, Demotic, and Ancient Greek.

The room cleared out long enough for Clara to capture the iconic artifact on her camera without people around her. The Rosetta Stone. This was the magical item that unlocked the mysteries of ancient Egypt to the world. It was so close to her. The carvings were so intricate.Wow.George rolled Clara back to David. They observed the next tour group from a respectful distance while still enjoying the stone.

“It’s amazing how one name on the stone unlocked an entire language. It almost appears that there is a piece of stone missing.”

“The Rosetta Stone was part of a larger block and was found broken when it was brought here in 1802,” David replied as he and Clara people-watched.

“You sure know a lot about it! I’m impressed.” Clara looked at David in a different light. Was he a history expert? She liked this side of her Boring Businessman.Did I just think of him as mine?

“I may have done a little research last night on what might be best to show you. I did study history at Oxford; however, my area of expertise is military history.” David took a moment to get them away from the claustrophobic crowds and looked for a quiet corner they could regroup in. “I have to admit, I’m ecstatic my disguise is working so well right now.”
