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Amanda and Claradidn’t know what to expect as they explored the Trocadero area and saw the Eiffel Tower for the first time in the distance. It was an electric feeling, seeing the tower rise over the city. It seemed surreal to see such an icon in person. Amanda squealed in delight and hugged Clara tightly.

“Can you believe we are really here?” she exclaimed. “We’ve dreamed about being here together so many times. I can’t believe it finally worked out.”

“I’m so happy we are able to be together in Paris. I want to cry. In Seattle, all of the talking we did never seemed real. Now look at us,” Clara gushed. They had been so poor in Seattle. The two dreamed of travel that seemed so far off. Clara never thought she would make it to Paris before she retired from dancing.Here we are.She wished David were there to share this moment with her.

In the evening, they would return to see the Eiffel Tower sparkle in all of its glory. In the meantime, they snapped photos, like other tourists, and admired the view. After about half an hour, the two had managed about 100 photos between the two of them.

The timed-entry tickets allowed them to explore the belly of the Eiffel Tower thirty minutes before they would take a lift to the top. The security queue was long but moved fairly efficiently. Clara was happy she had urged Amanda not to shop until after visiting the Eiffel Tower. Inside the secure area under the tower, there were a handful of souvenir shops and cafés. Amanda purchased several cheesy miniature Eiffel Towers while Clara looked into postcards and keychains. The prices turned them both off.

“Can you believe it’s three euros for a postcard? That’s horrid. I mean, I splurged in London, but a pound for a postcard included postage. It doesn’t here.”

“It’s funny to me you’re complaining about three euros for a postcard when you spent five euros on a coffee this morning.” Amanda laughed out loud.

“Coffee is a way of life for me. A postcard, I can live without. I have my camera and all the photos I can turn into postcards here.” She pointed to her camera.

“No. I’m spending my 250 euro on jewelry, if I spend that much.”

“Food is an experience here. You’re right on that. If you really want to splurge, we could spend 250 euros and eat at the top of the tower,” Amanda pointed out.

Clara knew the moment was coming when she and Amanda had ample time to wait to go up to the top. “So, your fiancé. Care to share any details? This girl has been so good in not asking too many questions. Any little detail would be appreciated,” Amanda hinted.

Clara wasn’t sure where to begin. “Here is the Spark Notes version of what’s happened between the gala and now?…” She was careful with her choice of words in case anyone attempted to listen into their conversation. Clara was impressed with how long Amanda was able to go without interrupting her.

“Wow. Only you could be so lucky. Any chance you can introduce me to Prince Edward?

He is my celebrity crush after all,” Amanda rubbed in. The idea hadn’t struck her until Amanda mentioned it. Could Amanda be a positive influence on Eddie? It might not be such a terrible idea to introduce the two. Amanda was maybe three years older than Eddie. She’d have to run the idea by David.

The thirty minute mark came and Clara and Amanda went to the line for the first of two lifts to the top. The tower had two different observation levels. It was hard to maneuver with the crutches, but Clara managed and was rewarded with extra space around her. She couldn’t wait until the knee scooter arrived.

“Here we go?…” Amanda gleefully started as the lift moved.

The lift to the second level was about a seven minute ride. The rim of the tower was covered in plastic to ensure nobody fell over or dropped items, but the view was spectacular. Below the tower, the city of Paris expanded out. The Arc de Triomphe, Sacre Coeur, and Notre Dame all stood out over the landscape. The Seine snaked through the city center filled with vessels of all shapes and sizes. Clara greatly enjoyed reading about the history of the tower. She had goosebumps looking out and enjoying the sights below.Celebrities have stood in the very spot I am now.

The second lift to the top took about three minutes and was just as crowded. Even smaller than the second level, the view from the top did not disappoint. Clara and Amanda could have stayed up there all day. They took their time admiring all angles of Paris. When the crowds began to be too much, they descended to where they had come from. It was hard to imagine how so many people could fit on the tower. It was so much larger on the inside than it looked. How was it possible they even had an ice rink in there during the holiday season?

“That was such an exhilarating rush!” Clara excitedly said. She got her adrenaline rush from being on stage, however, being in a place she’d dreamed about going to since she was young had such a deeper, more personal meaning. David and Clara had to share seeing the tower at night on their honeymoon.I can’t even believe I’m considering that right now.

“I can’t believe Parisians thought the tower was an eyesore at first! Anyways, let’s head to the Champs de Mars and admire the Eiffel Tower more before we taxi over to the Champs Elysse.” Amanda rummaged through her purse for a map of Paris to ensure they were headed in the correct direction.

The Louvreand D’Orsay did not disappoint either Amanda or Clara. Of the two museums, the Louvre almost overpowered the half-day they spent there. There were too many items to see in one visit. Amanda and Clara opted to create a list of the artifacts they most wished to see including theMona Lisa, Venus de Milo, and Winged Victory. The food made the pair look at how they approached cheese, bread, and wine from an entirely new perspective. It was an experience. And well, the shopping… the shopping bankrupted Amanda—until payday.

It was day three of their trip to Paris, and Amanda was severely disappointed to have to cut her trip short by a day. Pacific Skyways could not spare her the extra day off, and Amanda was forced to fly back to the States a day early. Clara watched Amanda pack her carryon bag neatly and efficiently as only a seasoned flight attendant would do.

“Clara, I promised David I wouldn’t leave you alone. I know you wanted to get to Versailles, so I did the dirty and called David. He is sending Michael to drive you over to the chateau this morning.” Amanda smirked. She clicked the top lock into place on her luggage.

“Amanda. I’ve been texting him regularly. I would’ve stayed in and just enjoyed the hotel. David already has a lot going on. I don’t want to bother him,” Clara pouted. She sat across from her friend in their room on the bed.

“This is exactly why I called him. Remember what I said about needing to be selfish? You are here in Paris! When else are you going to return and have enough time to see Versailles? You can thank me later.” Amanda winked and smoothed out her uniform. “I have to head to CDG. Watch your phone for Michael’s call. You’re going to have to introduce me to all these people sometime soon, C. I’ve been hearing you speak about them so much, I feel like I already know them.”

Clara got up, hugged her friend, and watched her head outside the room. “Have a safe flight. I’ll see you in L.A.”

The hotel was prepaidto the last day of their stay. Clara sighed. Her time in Europe was coming to a magical end. What could top becoming engaged and seeing the Eiffel Tower?

Clara’s phone went off just as she lay on the bed and began to relive all of her favorite moments. It was David!

David:Clar-Bear. I’m missing you so much. Paris is known as the ‘City of Lights’ and is the romantic capital of the world. I hope you’ve had the opportunity to experience a little taste of it. When you get to Versailles, start with the Apollo fountains first. I have a surprise waiting for you.

David’s text message was so cryptic. What did he mean he had a surprise waiting for her? Clara’s phone went off again. Michael was downstairs waiting for her. How was she going to get back to normal after this? She didn’t look forward to being in L.A. traffic or using public transit again. She laughed and met up with Michael.
