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The king took a seat. “Father, listen here,” Eddie commanded sternly; he locked eyes with his father. “I did not say I did not want to serve my country. I just want to do it in my own way. I want to enlist as a Trooper in the Household Cavalry and work my way up. I want to earn the respect of my fellow troopers and earn my way to a non-commissioned officer.” There, he had done it.

“You what?” King Reginald asked, confused. “But, but?…” For the first time in recent memory, the king was too stunned for words.

David observed and let Eddie control the flow of the conversation. He circled around to where his father sat on the other side of the king’s desk.

“Yes, sir! You heard me, I want to enlist and work my way through what I have heard is the most difficult course in the British Army. I understand my birthright and future in this country. I’ve done my homework and understand exactly what this entails,” Eddie pointed out matter-of-factly.

“And this is your final decision? Nothing I say may sway you? You understand arrangements have been made for months at Sandhurst for your own safety and security.”

“I’ve spoken extensively to Eddie, Uncle Reg. He understands all of the implications and exactly what he should expect as an enlisted member of the British Army,” David answered.

“Father, I will not be deterred, and yes, I understand the hardship I’m placing on you and everyone involved in the logistics, but this is my future. I deserve to have a say in the decision as you have taught me.”


“That’s a yes?” Eddie gleefully asked.

“Yes, son, that is a yes. I’ll see to it that everything is taken care of. I’m quite proud of you, you know. I may be tough, but it’s my way of showing how highly I think of the man you have become.”

“Thank you, Father.” Eddie hugged his father. David took everything in and smiled.

“David and I are due to meet a short while longer. Before you leave, you never answered my original question. Windsor or Buckingham Palace?” the king asked.

“Neither. It will be held in my apartment at Kensington Palace. I will make the arrangements myself.” Eddie appeared in his element, strong and confident.

“KP is acceptable, however, your mother is adamant she be the one to host the party. You are welcome to try and sway her.”

“On second thought, Father, I will let Mother make all the arrangements.”

“Smart lad. Never anger the women in your life. That is a lesson I have learned the hard way over time. You are dismissed. Please, shut the door behind you.”

Eddie gave a thumbs up to his cousin on the way out and happily closed the door behind him.

David’s uncle smirked at the closed door. “Who would have thought my son would ask me to enlist in the army?” He shook his head.

“One last topic of conversation this afternoon,” the king continued, turning to David. “I want to ask about Miss Little. The confirmation announcement is set for this afternoon. You have been mighty quick through this entire process, David. This is serious, isn’t it? Is your little dancer prepared for battle?”

“Yes, sir. She will be staying with a friend and rotating her location. Clara will avoid going out in public as much as possible. She understands the implication of what will happen after today,” David replied.I hate what this is going to do to her.

“I see. Have you discussed her moving here and, in the future, the expectations the British public will have on her?”

“Not in so many words,” David scooted around the subject.

“Yes or no?”

“No, sir. I never expected to fall in love. I was fascinated from the moment she paid for my breakfast in America. Clara is an amazing woman who sees me for me and doesn’t care two bits for my title and royal privileges. She’s only been in my life for a very short time, but I can’t imagine ever being with another woman.” David spoke freely and passionately.

“Would you be willing to risk your titles, your allowance, and your households for her?” the king inquired.

“Yes, without hesitation. I’ll go on being the chap, David Leeds, a humble, bespoke shoemaker if I must. There is no question about Clara being in my life. You can take it or leave it. I’ve gone above and beyond to watch over this family. It’s time I did something for myself.”

The king applauded David. “Excellent. You are ready to take the next step, David. I know your father isn’t around, however, he would be happy to see you well settled and ecstatic to see you with a woman who you truly love. I expect your mother will have a royal wedding to plan before too long. I’m available should you need an escape from her.”

David shook hands with his uncle and exited the room. He tried not to get emotional in front of the king. David felt empowered knowing his family supported him no matter what. His uncle had a soft side to him when it came to women. No wonder Mother always said he was a teddy bear. If only the public knew.

Clara bither nails in nervous anticipation. She was having a hard time controlling her emotions. How were people going to react to her and David? Would she be treated as she was before? Would people want to know her for her?This must be how David always feels.Thankfully, Amanda was present with the sound state of mind to ensure Clara didn’t do anything too crazy when the news dropped.

“Will you stop acting like a psycho and drink your coffee before I force you to? I never thought I’d see the day I had to forceyouto drink coffee. You are acting like a wild animal. David only told you the announcement was being released some time today. Even he doesn’t control the press office.”
