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Six months had passed since Clara and David announced to the world they were engaged. David checked the corridor and signaled to Clara the coast was clear. As silently as a ballerina could tiptoe across the hall, Clara moved with the agility of a gazelle. They made an all-out sprint for Eddie’s unused set of rooms and silently closed the door behind them. Both let out a sigh of relief.

“I can’t believe we’ve resorted to sneaking around BP to hide from your mother! If I hear one more question today about what type of lace I want on my wedding veil, or what type of flower I think would best represent America, I think I’m going to scream. I knew Princess Charlotte was going to be intense, but I never knew she had three entire binders dedicated to the details of just the fabric that is going to be used for the dress,” Clara whispered as she and David finally found a spare moment of time to be alone together.

David took Clara’s hand and squeezed it. “Clar-Bear, I warned you not to tell Mother we were engaged at all, but no, you had to go and set her off. We’re going to be hearing about every single detail from now until next spring. At least she has six more months to finalize everything. You sure you wouldn’t mind eloping?” David joked. He let Clara rest her head on him as they sat on Eddie’s bed.

Clara rolled her eyes at David. “If we never involved your mother, I’d never hear the end of it. Besides, it has left me with more time to get myself back into dancing shape. I’m finally where I feel like I need to be in order to start auditioning again.”

Clara closed her eyes and reflected back to the whirlwind of excitement the two had been through. The decision to move to London was a no-brainer after leaving LABT.

There really wasn’t anything left for her in L.A., except for Amanda, whose job brought her through London often. The move would have happened sooner rather than later. Her roommates were sad to see her go, but ecstatic she was able to find a new LABT Corps de Ballet member to take over the remainder of her portion of the lease. She was happily settled into David’s apartment at Kensington Palace.

The Royal Ballet had been so accommodating in allowing Clara access to its physical therapy program and studios. Dr. Evans had been a godsend in getting Clara back to the stage sooner than evenshefelt prepared for. Even with Royal Ballet’s open-ended contract offer, Clara wanted to earn the right to dance for them and still audition.

David shook his head. “I know exactly what you are thinking, my dear. Being a royal should in no way interfere with your hopes and dreams. I love you, but you are stubborn. It’s about time for you to sign your principal dancer contract and return it to Royal Ballet. You’re making yourself miserable. The Royal Ballet is invested in you. Why else would they solicit you for roles to dance?”

It was true. Clara wanted to dance Giselle. She’d never forget the image of Jenna Evans trying to explain to David what was so difficult about Giselle. Or of David wearing ballet tights, trying to learn the basics with his two left feet. Clara wished she had taken a video to send to Amanda and Eddie. She loved her prince so much. Being able to face the media together had changed her perspective on the type of royal she wanted to be.

David’s eyes lit up as he wrapped his arms around Clara and gently kissed the top of her head. “Look at me. Without your support, I never would have launched my own shoe collection. You’ve been instrumental in making my dreams a reality. It’s only fair I return the favor. You are so talented in any endeavor you attempt. Just accept it. Then I can watch my ballerina dance every night at the Royal Opera House.”

The two shifted their position so they could lie in one another’s arms on the bed. Clara warmed at David’s compliment. “I don’t know, David. Am I really ready? Am I truly the caliber of dancer Royal Ballet wants?”

“Yes, without question,” David answered without hesitation. “If you must know, I’ve already had George review security procedures for you whenever you resume dancing with the company. The thirty page memo is a real page turner.” Clara sat up and sighed. David remained lying down and rubbed circles on Clara’s hand as he mentioned, “You are their next big star. Accept it and then we can discuss what to do about Amanda and Eddie.”

Clara stretched and stood. “You’re right. I need to stop doubting myself. I am a good dancer. I am principal material. I’m finally ready to live up to it. I’ll give them a call as soon as we leave BP. Before you change the subject, just what exactly do you think we need to do about Eddie and Amanda? They’ve only had two dates.”

David laughed and adjusted his glasses. “I’m afraid they’re going to be attached at the hip before you know it.”

“Is that such a bad thing? Eddie’s been doing well with his army training. Amanda’s crazy schedule and random visits to London are exactly what he needs to keep him on his toes.” Clara laughed. “Let them see where their own dating life takes them.”

“Alright. I won’t say anything. I’m going to use your need to visit the Royal Ballet director’s office as an excuse if Mother finds us.” David and Clara enjoyed a few more moments of quiet before the door burst open. In walked Princess Charlotte. Clara internally groaned.

“There you two are! Honestly, it’s like wrangling a pair of wild horses. Clara, you and I need to discuss what the invitations are going to look like. We also need to get a head start on the guest list. I have narrowed down my suggestions to about five hundred.” David’s mother placed a six-inch wide binder on Eddie’s unused desk.

“Actually, Charlotte, we were just about to leave for the Royal Opera House. I’ve agreed to sign my principal contract today.” Clara’s voice was hopeful and full of enthusiasm.

“Excellent, I have a meeting with the board of directors at two. You two don’t mind if I join you while you motor over?” David and Clara quickly exchanged guilty looks. David’s mother continued speaking, appearing not to take notice of it. “Clara dear, it hasn’t been announced yet, however, Royal Ballet will be debutingThe Sleeping Beautyas their first program this year. Perfect timing, is it not?”

The journey had come full circle. “Well, Mother, Aurora, shall we?” David led his two leading ladies out of the room and onto their next adventure.

The world was a smaller place than it seemed.The Sleeping Beautywas a beast of a ballet.Let the new challenges commence. Royal Ballet and life as a Duchess, here I come!
