Page 116 of Nanny I Want to Mate

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“Charles …”

Charles’s take-charge attitude was coming out. “Becky, I’m not taking any more of this nonsense. You’ve been through a lot. And I’m going to do what I know—I’m going to take care of you, okay? I’m going to run you a bath, feed you a good meal, and tuck you in next to me so that you can’t leave. Ever,” he added at the end like he was reading my mind.

There was a fierce determination in his eyes, the same look I’d witnessed so many times before.

“I mean, if you really hate me and don’t want to stay, that’s another story, but you’re not going to leave us because you’re scared or you feel guilty because that’s all bullshit. Everything is going to be okay.” He paused then, his fingers tightly intertwined with mine.

“I know how that sounds. After Nat died, after my parents died, everyone told me that it was going to be okay. It was repeated over and over again like a broken record. I never believed them because that’s what people said when something tragic happened in someone’s life. But for the first time, I believe them. Life might throw other curveballs, but I’ll be able to handle them because I have another person on my team who’s playing catcher.” Playing for cute, he tapped the tip of my nose with his fingertip. “We’re on the same team, Becky—Team Brisken. And you’re going to be okay. Maybe you won’t feel like it tomorrow or the day after that, but once everything turns back to normal and you’re not worrying about the stress of the past, you’re going to be okay.”

The cops had my mother handcuffed and were ushering her into the back of the cop car. There was no doubt I’d spend hours being questioned. I watched the car pull away until it was a blurry figure down the street.


She would spend her time in jail, away from me, away from the people that I was close to. And not only for a few months, but because of what she’d done today, it would be years. She was no longer a threat to Charles and his family, and Kate could never use them for money ever again.

Charles’s tender hand brushed against my cheek. Peering up into his chestnut-brown eyes, I believed him. It was in the strength behind his voice, the intense look in his stare. That hope bloomed in my chest because I believed him, believed that everything would be okay.

So, for once, I gave in to him, in to his light. I went on my toes and framed his face with both of my hands. “I love you, Charles.” Then, I erased the gap between us and kissed his lips. “Forever, until you won’t have me anymore, I’m Team Brisken.”

Chapter 44


Eight Months Later

As I held Becky’s hand and we watched our girls run to the park ahead of us, I wondered how I’d gotten so damn lucky.

I would never have predicted that I would get a second chance at love. I’d thought the love that Nat and I had was a once-in-a-lifetime love, but love had struck me twice and in the best, unpredictable way. Not only had it struck me, but it’d also struck my girls.

Becky loved them like they were her own flesh and blood, and the girls—ourgirls now—adored Becky.

Tragedy could teach you things, and one thing it had taught me was to never take things for granted, to enjoy every moment, to live your life to the fullest. And that was what I did day in and day out—with the girls and with Becky.

Every Friday, after work, we went to the park to have a picnic. I planned this event like I planned my meetings, putting it in the calendar and making sure I set the time to go.

Becky stopped mid-step and turned around, peering at something behind her. My eyes followed her line of sight.

“What are you looking for?” I asked.

She squinted and narrowed her eyes at something in the far vicinity.

“What is it?”

The inclination to give in to panic was still there, even after all these months. Even though we knew Paul was dead and her mother would be in jail for a long while. I had hired the best lawyers who were relentless in their pursuit in making Kate serve the maximum time in jail for her crimes. She’d gotten twenty years for aggravated kidnapping.

Becky released my hand and took two steps toward where she was focused, which was away from the park. “It’s crazy, but I feel like we’re being watched.” She pointed to someone past the trees.

I squinted against the sun. I couldn’t make out who it was, only that the person was tall, broad, and male. I reached for her hand, shoving that panic back down. “He’s just taking a walk.”

She didn’t budge. “He isn’t. He’s been watching us walk here for the last ten minutes. Look, he’s right by that black SUV. It’s the same one that followed us here.”

Then, realization hit. “Shit,” I said under my breath, rolling my eyes.Seriously? Not again.I plucked my phone from my back pocket and dialed my brother. “Mason,” I shot out, “are you having someone tail us?”

“Oh, hey. Uh … well—”

My jaw tightened. “Call them and stop the tail, all right?”

“I’m sorry,” he said, not at all apologetic. “There has been a string of robberies around the neighborhood, and I wanted to make sure—”
