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Chapter 7


Thirty minutes later, the interview was over, and Patty and Becky were outside, playing with the girls, while my brothers and I were still congregated in the dining room.

I sat down as Mason paced the room. Brad had kicked up his feet and placed them on the other chair, getting delight out of Mason freaking out.

“I don’t like it. She seems like a nice woman, but seriously, we know nothing about her. She can’t provide us with a social security number and …” He paused. “I can’t properly run a background check on her because we don’t know where she’s originally from. And do you know how many Becky Summers are out there? And is her name Becky or Rebecca?” He scratched at his temple and placed one heavy hand on his hip.

Brad threw his feet off the chair. “Why the hell did you run a background check on her when Patty specifically said that she wouldn’t be up for it?”

Mason threw both hands up like Brad was crazy. “Because it’s Mary and Sarah, and I told you, I couldn’t properly run one.”

Brad scoffed, exasperated. “What do you think is going to happen? That Becky is going to kidnap the girls and hold them for ransom?”

Mason slapped his head. “That scenario didn’t even cross my mind, but shit, it might …”

A muscle jumped at Brad’s jaw. “Listen, she took care of that disabled man for years for Patty’s best friend and then Patty’s mom after that. You can’t get a better rec than that from Patty.” Brad turned to face me. “So, big bro, ultimately, this is your decision.”

I steepled my fingers together and leaned back in my chair. I’d already made up my mind, and I sensed Brad already knew that; otherwise, he wouldn’t be giving me that victorious grin.

My decision was based on the fact that Patty trusted her, Mary liked her, and at the moment, I had no other options, given Patty was leaving.

Plus, my people radar told me that Becky was a good, kindhearted woman.

“I think we should give her a shot.”

Mason lifted both hands to the ceiling as his mouth slipped agape. His voice was almost whiny. “Charles, come on. Let’s talk about this.”

I swore my parents had spoiled him so much, being the youngest, that he’d perfected the whine, even as an adult.

Relief flooded my insides. By the look on Brad’s face, I knew he felt the same.

Brad stood and then patted me on the back. “I’ll round up the troops and tell them to get ready for dinner.”

We were going to the girls’ favorite Italian restaurant today to celebrate Patty and the little time we had left with her.

I nodded and then forced my attention to Mason as I stood. He was breathing hard, face red, like he always did when he truly believed he was in the right. His heart was in a good place, and no one, not even Brad, could fault him for that.

I walked over and placed my hands on his shoulders. “Just listen,” I said, knowing he was going to list his twenty reasons again on why we should be cautious in hiring Becky. “We could interview hundreds of candidates, and they could all look good on paper, but at the end of the day, they could be horrible people.”

The fierce determination in his eyes softened then, so I continued, “This comes down to one thing—trust. And I trust Patty. Plain and simple.” I squeezed his shoulder. “Patty loves our girls like they are her own. She trusts Becky with her mother’s life and even our girls. Patty has fully vouched for her.”

“But—” He started to argue, stubborn ass that he was.

With a firm shake of my head, I said, “No buts. We’re giving Becky a shot. It’s not a permanent solution, so we have every right to change our minds. But in the meantime, we will be nice to her and allow her to do her job. Okay?” I lifted an eyebrow. “Mason?”

He blew out a breath and nodded, his eyes downturned. “Okay.”

I snaked an arm around his shoulders and ushered him out the door. “Now, let’s get some dinner.”


“You’re hired,” Charles said.

My eyes widened before my hand flew to my mouth, and I gripped his forearm with both hands. “Thank you!” Then, I flushed red because I had in fact almost jumped on him.

In my defense, he was the one who had relayed the news, and he was the closest person to me at that exact moment. I would have happy-attacked Brad, Mason, or even Patty if they’d told me the news.
