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“She all packed?” Charles’s tone had my body warming again. His voice had a trigger to my internal thermostat that I couldn’t control. The only thing that helped was not looking at him directly.

“Yep, all packed.” I stood still, averting my stare from his face, and then I crouched down to lift up the box, but Charles beat me to it.

“I’ll get that.”

Our eyes locked, and my breath caught in my throat.

“Thanks.” My voice was barely above a whisper.

His lips tipped up but only slightly. It was as though it were a crime to smile or more so that his smiles were reserved and he saved them only for special occasions.

“Raised as gentlemen. Our mother taught us well,” Brad said, sliding next to me.

Mason growled behind him, “Quit flirting, and get these boxes and suitcases in the van.” He was dragging two suitcases behind him.

“I’m not flirting.” Brad’s smile slipped. “No offense, Miss Becky, you are beautiful, but I draw the line at dating the nanny since you are basically going to be like family, and that’s incest.” He made a pretend face of disgust.

“Wish you’d draw the line at dating your secretaries.” Mason threw him a look before he disappeared outside.

“I haven’t dated Sonia …” Brad called out to Mason. There was a long pause, as though it was supposed to be ended withyet.

I could hear Mason outside. “Yeah, the first one you haven’t dated. Let’s keep it that way, shall we?”

Brad grunted and then proceeded to drag a box out the door.

Charles walked into the house, hands on his hips, which stretched the white shirt over his broad shoulders.

I tore my gaze away before I started salivating all over the floor.

Becky, get a grip.

I bit my cheeks to force myself to focus. This was my boss, the one who paid me. He should be the very last on the list to ogle.

“We’re about ready. Van is loaded. Let’s be in the car in five minutes.” He headed over to the living room, where Mary and Sarah had a tight vise grip around Patty.

She was whispering something in their ears, which made the girls cry harder.

The frown on Charles’s face was evident. He stood there, shoulders lax, staring at their interaction. I watched the expanse of his chest, but there was no exhale, as though he was holding his breath.

After a beat, he cleared his throat, standing under the doorframe. “The driver is here. We’re leaving in a few.” His voice was softer now, sadder even. “Mary, sweetie … make sure you use the bathroom before we go, okay?”

There was no answer from the girls; only soft sobs escaped their lips.

After a few seconds, he turned. “I’ll wait for you guys in the car.” His eyes met mine briefly before he headed out the door.

Charles had rented a van, driver included, so that all seven of us, along with the boxes and suitcases, could ride and bid farewell to Patty.

Sarah, Mary, and Patty were all in the third row, and I was sandwiched between Brad and Mason in the second row as the driver took off from the Brisken estate.

Charles sat on the passenger seat in the front, on silent mode.

Mary’s cheek was attached to Patty’s shirt, and after thirty minutes into our car ride, her cries ceased, and she fell asleep on Patty.

My heart clenched as I thought of the distance between us, at the loss of this woman who’d been a mother figure to me for years. I would miss her dearly.

“We’ll miss you, Patty,” Mason said, turning to face her. “We need an update on Eleanor, and if you need help with anything, with her move … let us know.”

“We’ll especially miss your apple pancakes. Make sure you leave Becky the recipe,” Brad added.
