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I poured some shampoo in my hands and ran it through Mary’s locks. She continued playing with her Barbies in the water.

“The chocolate was yummy!”

Brad slapped his head. “Sweet Mary, why today?”

“They’re already here and set up downstairs,” Charles announced, walking in. His expression pinched as he took in the scene. “What happened?”

Sarah filled her father in as I continued working in fast mode.

“Stand up, baby girl. Let’s get you rinsed.”

“Let me help you. What do you need?” Charles asked, unbuttoning the sleeves of his dress shirt and rolling them up.

“What is going on here?” Mason said, stepping into the bathroom.

Even though the bathroom was pretty big, having the whole family inside was excessive.

“Oh. My. God.” A high-pitched voice sounded behind him. A tall look-alike Barbie figure scrunched her face. This must be Janice. “All right, it seems like you all have this handled. I’ll make sure the team downstairs has everything they need.” She about-faced and walked out of the bathroom, leaving the Brisken men and Sarah in with me and Mary.

“Look at my pool,” Mary exclaimed, getting back into the bubbles and filling her Barbie pool in the tub with more water.

I lifted the drain. “You’re done. Let’s get you changed.”

She visibly pouted and splashed around, getting water all over me. “I’m still playing.”

“Okay, you guys handle this. I need to go downstairs to check on the crew,” Brad said, finally leaving, followed by Mason.

Honestly, we didn’t need that many people in the bathroom. I had this handled.

“Mary, you’re done. Get out.” Charles’s voice was stern, brooking no argument, but it was as though Mary hadn’t heard him. “Mary,” Charles said, voice heightened.

I couldn’t even rinse the girl because she had the bucket and she kept filling up her mini pool for her Barbies.

“Mary, honey. We have to get going, so we can continue making your cake.” Yes, I was bribing her and playing her game, but right now, she was on top of the leaderboard.

“You guys ready soon?” Brad yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

“It’s been literally one minute since he left,” I deadpanned, my annoyance showing through my tone.

“Mary, out.” Charles stepped around me and bent down to lift her.

I placed a wet palm against his shirt. A bad move since he was dry but, considering he was going to chuck afully soaked and not rinsedMary out of the water, I needed to stop him.

“You’re going to get wet,” I said, standing. I used my elbow to push the hair out of my face. I was already fully wet, so there was no need for the both of us to get ourselves soaked.

“It’s fine. Mary …” He sidestepped me and turned on the faucet, running the clean water into the tub.

“I’ll do it. Mary, can I have that little bucket, so I can rinse you?”

Mary was being extremely difficult today as she continued filling up her pool.

“You’re not listening!” Charles growled, making me jump. “You’re grounded.” He yanked the bucket out of her hands and tried to lift her from the tub, grabbing under her one arm.

“I’m not done, Daddy.” Her pout was on full display.

Charles gritted his teeth, and the muscle in his jaw jumped. When he spoke, it was like the earth shook with the authority in his tone. “You’re done when I say you’re done, and you’re done now.”

Mary’s tears streamed down her face as he rinsed her, dumping water over her head and over her body. There was no doubt that Charles would need to get changed before the shoot because he wasn’t only a little wet; he was a lot wet.
