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I spottedSydney outside of the sports store, through the glass windows. Going to the mall had been a bad idea. I was getting stopped every few seconds for an autograph, so I’d decided to make a quick stop to find a baseball cap. I tossed the cap back on the display table, afraid I’d lose her, and walked in her direction. She seemed to be getting her phone out to …snap a selfie?

“Sydney!” I called after her.

She reeled back and dropped her phone in the process, the cell skittering to the floor. I shook my head. Why was the girl so jumpy?

“Austin?” Her eyes went wide as she picked up her phone. “What are you doing here?” And there was that perma-frown again.

I smiled because the more she frowned, the more I wanted to make it crack. Suddenly, it was my mission to crack the Sydney code.

“I’m shopping.” I poked at her side playfully. “What are you doing here?”

A crease formed between her eyes and her hands were fisted by her sides, as though she was going to punch something. Fuck, who had pissed in her Cheerios?

“What’s the matter?” The smile slipped from my face.

“I just caught your sister in the act. That’s what’s the matter,” she spat out.

“What?” I tilted my head, assessing her.

She shoved a finger into my chest. “Are you in on it? Do you know? Is that why you’re here? To cover for her?” Every question she spouted from her mouth was accentuated with a hard shove at my chest.

I grabbed her finger, pulling her into me, getting into her face. Her eyes were exceptionally vibrant this morning, and my breath caught for a millisecond, but I snapped back to the present. “What the hell are you talking about?” I asked, my voice low.

Sydney’s face was red, almost fuming. “She’s cheating on him.”


“Brandy is cheating on Alec.”

I jerked back like she’d just slapped me in the face. I had no words.

Because this woman was crazy.

She peered behind her and pointed. “I know one thing: whoever that is, it’s not Alec.”

I followed her line of sight to the food area, where I spotted my sister and …James?

I shook my head. James was my best friend. Yeah, he was seated with Brandy, eating, but that didn’t mean anything. The fact that Sydney thought my sister could do such a thing had all my muscles tightening.

I flipped back to face Sydney. “You’re certifiable.” Blood boiled in my veins, and all my tendons locked.

Her eyes flashed. “That might be true. But she’s cheating on Alec.”

“Cheating?” I rubbed at my jaw, tilting my chin from side to side, taking a few calming breaths.

“Yes, cheating.”

I let out a low, hoarse whistle. “That’s my best friend.”Keep calm.

“Oh. My. God.” She blinked at the two of them eating their egg rolls. “She’s cheating on Alec with your best friend? Well, crap. Isn’t this the plot twist of the century?”

My stomach clenched, and I had to count slowly or else I was going to lose it at the fucking mall.

“I can guarantee you, she’s not cheating on Alec with him.” I kept my tone even, thankful for my self-control for once.

But her voice turned frantic. “It’s him. That guy. That beard. I saw them kissing down at Espresso Coffee.”
