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I watched from afar as these kids mocked him while Alec sat on the swing, looking at the ground, wanting to disappear. I couldn’t help myself even then. I was his big sister, born to protect him. So, I went right up to that little boy on the swing and pulled him into my arms. He was tiny then. I pulled him to the side, and while Ryanne and Serena gave the little boys a beating with words, I told Alec that he’d always have me, his big sister. I asked him why he hadn’t told us earlier that the kids were being mean to him. When he’d peered up at me with those sad puppy-dog brown eyes and cried instead of answering my question, I’d made a promise to God that I’d protect him always, from monsters under the bed, the bullies at the playground, and anything or anyone who made him feel unloved.

And today, I’d broken that promise. I’d broken that promise the moment that I let Austin in my life and kept him a secret.

“I’m sorry,” I said, stepping into him. “I wasn’t thinking.”

I should have given Alec more time. His breakup was still fresh, still so painful, and I’d just ripped the wound right open.

“A little too late for sorry,” he spat.

“Alec. Stop,” Serena snapped out, her voice hard.

“What?” He shrugged, unapologetic. “I’m not sorry, and I’ll never accept this. You know he’s never going to be faithful to you. And what’s going to happen now? I’m going to see Brandy and James at every holiday party or family event? Pretend like that doesn’t affect me, that I’m happy for them? Happy for you?” He leaned in, towering over me. “That’s never going to happen, Sydney. So, it’s either him or me. Pick a fucking side.”

I jerked back like he’d shoved me directly in the chest.

“Alec! Quit being a dick. You’ll get over this. You’ll move on,” Lyria said angrily.

His eyes flipped to Lyria, who had her arm around Addison. “Like how you got over Justin? Yeah, right.”

His gaze landed back on me, and we were in this stare-down that seemed to last forever, a war without words—and I was losing. I’d already lost.

“I’m out of here.” He tore his gaze from mine. “Addy, drive me to Kevin’s.”

Desperation bubbled inside of me. It felt like I was drowning and Alec held my life jacket.

“I pick you, Alec,” I blurted out. “I’ve always been and I forever will be on your side.” The moment the words left my mouth, it felt like a dagger through my chest. I stared up at him, tears streaming down my face and my heart in my throat.

I’d get over this, wouldn’t I? I’d been in relationships that had ended, just not this deep because nothing had ever felt this real.

He angled closer. “Somehow, I just don’t believe you, Sydney.” His words were like venom from his mouth. “Addy!” He threw his twin one look that had her grabbing the keys from Serena and following him out the door.

I leaned against the wall for support as my shoulders visibly shook and soft sobs escaped my lips. Soon, several pairs of warm arms encased me. Lips brushed at my temple. Hands rubbed my back.

“This will blow over. Alec will get over this,” Serena said above me.

“It’ll just take some time,” Lyria added.

But I knew Alec like I knew each of my siblings. It would take him forever to get over his broken heart, and it wasn’t fair to string Austin along the way. My heart clenched because there was only one thing I could do.


I’m a fucking sucker. Because an hour after she left, I was blowing up her phone, like the lovesick, pussy-whipped puppy I was.

You can get any girl.

Any fucking girl you want.

A model. An A-list actress. A freaking heiress.

But all these pep talks did no good because I only wanted one woman. The sweet one. The selfless one. The most beautiful one.

I only wanted Sydney.

It was three in the morning as I lay in bed. The only light shining was my phone as I debated on texting her again. I reached for the pillow next to me, hugged it to my chest, and inhaled deeply. I could still smell her on the pillow, on my sheets.

I took two more breaths, chucked the pillow to the side, and reached for my phone again,texting her.

Hey, are you okay? I can’t sleep. Just tell me you’re okay, and I’ll leave you alone.
