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Austin scribbled down his signature, tore off the tag with his teeth, and placed the cap on his head, pulling it past his eyes. He cupped the tip of the cap, shaping it into an inverted U.

“Ca-can I … have …”

“Thanks, bud.” Austin turned, but I stepped in front of him.

“I think the kid wants an autograph.” I raised both eyebrows, hands on my hips. I wasn’t moving. What would take two seconds for Austin to sign something would probably make this kid’s whole year.

He visibly frowned, then turned to the kid. The kid threw his phone case and a permanent marker his way. Austin signed the back of the phone and set it and the marker back on the counter. The boy was spewing something worshipful as Austin made quick steps out of the store. I trailed behind him again because the man was impossible to keep up with. And then my shoulders sank when I saw that Brandy and her possible new boy toy were gone.


“Can you wait for me?” I ran after him, annoyed. I was getting a workout, chasing this guy. I felt bad for his girlfriend, if he indeed had one or two or three. Given his reputation, especially with the models and high-profile actresses, I knew he had many.

He stopped abruptly, and I face-planted into his back.

“Look, Sydney, I don’t beat around the bush. When I want to know something, I go for it, without blinking. If I have a problem with someone, I ask them straight up. I haven’t gotten this far in my career by bullshitting.”

I shrank back at his tone, at his stance, at his presence. The wedding was less than two weeks away. Brandy would hate me, but I guessed that Austin was right. We couldn’t drag this on any further.

“Fine, let’s go,” I said with resignation. “Find your sister. They left the food court.”

“First things first. I need to piss.”

He walked toward the restrooms while I huffed behind him. If we waited any longer, Brandy and James would for sure be gone.

I was only waiting for him for a few minutes, outside the restrooms, when I heard a very distinguishable laugh—Brandy’s laugh.

“Oh, honey bun, you’re just so cute.”

Honey bun. Honey bun. Honey bun.

Holy shit.



I rounded the corner, and there they were, Brandy laughing at something James had said. I turned around, nose to the wall as they walked past. Then, I followed them.

My feet moved double time, racing past the escalator, past the Krispy Kreme, past the ATM machine.

“Syd … Sydney.”

I jerked to a stop, and Austin was running to catch up to me. Brandy and H.B. were far ahead of us, and I was going to lose them soon.

“She’s there. With your best friend.” I pointed to where they were now exiting the mall.

His face was a wall of anger, eyebrows pulled together. His eyes slid to James and Brandy by the door. “That’s James. I flipping told you that already. They grew up together. They’re friendly.” His tone was hard, menacing, and for once, I cowered into myself at the look he was throwing me.

I floundered for a second, feeling chastised. And then, as if the heavens opened up just to prove I was right, James pulled Brandy in, leaned down, and devoured her lips. The kiss was passionate, rough, and it was as though they knew each other intimately. I felt vindicated and in the next second, heartbroken.

“They’re friendly all right,” I whispered, my heart falling to my toes.

Austin turned, seeing what I saw, and suddenly, his rage was not directed at me.

“James,” he shot out, his voice ringing loudly through the mall. His fists visibly shook before he took off running, gunning toward James as though there were a target on his back.

James knew what he had coming because he ran just as fast out of the mall. Brandy blocked the door, her eyes widening as she watched her brother barrel toward her.
