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She was confused at my question, but once it registered, she frowned. “Is this somehow my fault now? Are you going to paint it like my family was so hard on her that it drove her to cheat?”

This woman had fire in her, and mine was all gone. Used up on almost killing my best friend.

Wish I had …

The thought of him just walking away from this still pissed me off.

“I wasn’t trying to say that. I was just…” I searched for the right words. “I was rooting for them.”

Her gaze dropped to her hands on her lap, and her shoulders caved inward. “It’s not like we weren’t rooting for her. But I will always be Team Alec. It’s just …” She let out a long sigh. “They are so young. They’re twenty-three, and what do babies know about marriage and forever?” Her hazel eyes flickered to mine briefly before focusing back on her clenched hands.

“What do adults know about forever?” I said, the bitter taste of my parents’ bad breakup still on my tongue.

“You didn’t think they were too young?” she asked, her tone genuinely curious.

I met her eyes fiercely. “I love Alec. Like the brother I never had. Yes, they’re young, but I also knew my sister would be in good …” My voice trailed off. I couldn’t even finish the sentence.Hands.

I sighed, then shifted to reach for my cell. The throbbing shot up my arm, and I flinched.

“I told you, I’ll help you.” She tried to reach for my cell, but I pulled away from her.

“I got it.” The pinch in my finger shot straight up my arm, and my face registered pain. I rested my head against the wall and grimaced. “Okay, fine. Please get my phone and call my agent.”

“Okay.” Her eyebrows pulled together, her annoyance at my tone showing.

“It’s in my left pocket.” I stood then, and even that small movement had me clenching my jaw. I was overdoing it. I knew it, too, but I was too pissed at the moment to care.

She reached into my pocket, grabbing my phone.

Oddly enough, there wasn’t a scratch on it. I’d lost the baseball cap I’d just bought in the fight, but the phone was magically fine. And now that my hat was gone, people were beginning to recognize me. The nurse hadn’t given me any preferential treatment, nor had I asked for it. Now, I was second-guessing if not asking was the best plan.

Given the killer look on my face, no one approached, but I knew soon enough that I’d be the latest trend on Twitter.

Well, shit.I bet someone had recorded the fight on their phone. It wasn’t like I had been paying attention because my fist was attached to James’ face. Until I saw Sydney in a bra.

Damn, what the hell was that?

Man, Noah, my agent would have my ass if this got out to the public.

It seemed that I sold magazines, given the number of paparazzis that followed me on a daily basis. Even my doing menial tasks, such as going to the grocery store, made magazine news. Who gave two shits about that stuff? Bored people—that was who.

What sold the most magazines was who I was currently dating, so when I’d broken up with Tiffany Dinent, my ex-girlfriend and Hollywood’sitgirl, I couldn’t leave my house for days.

“Should I call the nurse?” Sydney asked, concerned.

I sat back down and closed my eyes. “No. I just need you to call Big Balls on my Contacts, and I’ll talk to him.”

I felt Sydney’s eyes on me since I’d said the name, but she didn’t say anything.

A few flashes from the right forced my attention to the front, where a male in his early twenties had taken a picture.

“Hey!” Sydney said, standing, about to give this guy an earful.

I tugged at her jacket to pull her back to her chair. “It doesn’t matter. I’m sure me being here in the hospital has already gone viral. I don’t care. Please, can you call Big Balls?”

“Not until I get us a room.” Her tone brooked no argument.

Right now, I was out of energy to do anything, let alone argue with her. I was emotionally and physically shot.
