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“Let me remind you of the nurse who posted pictures of me sleeping, whoyouhad hired when I sprained my ankle. No, Noah. That’s a hard no.”

He huffed over the phone. “I can’t be in two places at once, Austin.”

“I’m the one going into surgery, asshole. This is a no-brainer. Jimmy can wait.”

Flight 465 will be boarding in fifteen minutes,I heard in the background.

The asshole was already at the airport.

“Really, Noah?” I seethed. “I get paid more than that guy.”

“Not with this new contract we’re negotiating.” He laughed. “I’m just joking. Hey, I’m sorry. If this wasn’t an emergency, Austin, you know I’d stay.”

The asshole was supposed to help me around the house until I was mobile and could do stuff myself. I wouldn’t be able to wipe my own ass without assistance—not like he was going to wipe me, but I’d die before I let another stalker fan step into my place.

“I’m sorry, Austin. You know I would …”

I hung up before he uttered another fucking apology that I didn’t want to hear. I exhaled heavily, dropping my chin to my chest and closing my eyes tightly.

Everyone had gone home for the off-season. There was no way I was calling my sister. My mother was out of town. And that left James. Hell no to that.

Noah called again, but I ignored it, and I sat there, moping. A few minutes later, I reached for the phone and dialed the only person that I knew would help me, the one person I knew who couldn’t say no—even though she had every right to.

I’m taking advantage, I told myself.

But right now, I didn’t have a choice.



“I can’t believeI’m doing this,” I said under my breath as Austin slipped into my beat-up Camry.

When Austin had called me, practically begging, I couldn’t say no. I wanted to. But he’d told me his sob story about his agent, and knowing his fear of random strangers who could possibly be super-stalker fans, I couldn’t leave the guy defenseless.

Damn me. I’m too nice.

But it was only a pickup and drop-off. Kind of like a taxi or Uber driver.

“Thanks.” Austin’s smile was full of relief.

His hair was a little disheveled. I figured with the injury and all, he couldn’t comb it properly today. Not like he looked horrible. But I realized with a touch of guilt that he was in the same clothes as yesterday. The least I should have done before I left yesterday was help him get changed into … well, anything else.

“I appreciate this, Syd.”

“You said that already.”A million times on the phone.“I’m just too kind. It’s my biggest flaw really.”

“You are … and modest too.” He threw me a megawatt smile that made me want to pull over and tell him to walk instead. “I really had no one else to call.” His voice was almost apologetic—almost, but not really because there was underlying amusement in his tone.

My eyes flickered in his direction. “If Alec finds out about this, he’ll never forgive me. I haven’t even talked to him since I saw him with you.”

“He won’t,” Austin promised, true gratitude in his eyes.

I begrudgingly accepted it and hoped he was right. Hoped Alec was somewhere safe, sleeping off his hangover from wherever he had been last night. And I really hoped today was short. I had wedding stuff to do, which Austin very well knew.

I would not think about Austin in his wrinkled clothes and adorably rumpled hair. This was just a friendly ride. Pick up and drop off. That was it.

I pulled up to the curb of the entrance to the hospital and put the car in park. “I assume someone is taking you home?”
