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The nurse smiled in the cheesy way that gave me the creeps. “Just checking on you.”

I gritted my teeth and leaned into Sydney.

“He’s not ready yet. Please give him a few more minutes,” Sydney said, her face scrunched with an annoyance she wasn’t even trying to hide.

When the door shut, she crossed her arms over her chest, looking irritated and adorable. “Go. Get your urine sample done. I’ll wait for the doctor to come before I leave.”

When I didn’t move, she tipped her chin toward the bathroom. “Go, before I leave you.”

I chuckled and grabbed the urine cup. Before I closed the bathroom door, I turned to Sydney. “What made you change your mind?”

She tried to bite back a smile but failed. “It was your face of terror.” She let out a small laugh.

And I played it off. “Me? Shit. Have you seen me? I’m scared of nothing.”

She waved a hand. “If that’s the case, then I shall be going.”

The cocky smile slipped from my face. “You…You stay put. You said you’d wait till the doctor arrived.”

I shut myself in before she could change her mind.

Sydney could not make eye contact with me. Not when the nurse and doctors, including Dr. Klein, came into the room. They blocked her path to the door, which forced her back in her seat, as though she didn’t want to be rude.

There were two more prep nurses in the room, going over the care I would need in the next four weeks like it was world news.

When Dr. Klein mentioned an in-home nurse, I nearly fell out of the hospital bed.

“No,” I said.

Dr. Klein rubbed at his brow. “Noah is out of town, so …”

I shook my head vehemently. “I already talked to Noah about this. No nurse.”

Dr. Klein sighed tiredly, as if he was trying to be patient but didn’t have time to argue. “Austin, they’ve been fully vetted and interviewed. You’d have the final say. You’ll need to keep the dressing dry for at least three days. You’ll need help with changing the dressing. Healing time is important. You’re going to have to stabilize your arm to prevent scar tissue from forming. If you don’t heal correctly, you won’t be able to meet with Carringtime. If and when you start physical therapy depends on how you heal.” He eyed me with that look that told me I’d better listen. “We’re not talking bed rest but pretty damn close. You tore your rotator cuff, Austin. You are going to need some help.”

Automatically, my eyes slid toward Sydney. As soon as my eyes met hers, she tore her gaze away.

I shouldn’t feel disappointed. I shouldn’t even want to ask her. There was no way she would do it, and she shouldn’t have to, but … I wanted her.

I swallowed as I thought about it, thought about the begging I was about to do and how I would word it so I could convince her. She wouldn’t even have to sleep over. I would only need help with wrapping my dressing, maybe doing some grocery shopping. It wasn’t like I wouldn’t be able to get out of bed. I just needed help.

“I won’t need a nurse,” I started, my voice hopeful more than certain.

“So, you have someone lined up to take care of you?” Dr. Klein had this dubious smirk on his face.

He knew me, and he already knew the answer before any words left my mouth. Normally, it would be my sister, but right now, she was the last person I wanted to see.

If I said anything, he’d know I was lying, so I tipped my chin to the door. “I have someone in mind. Everyone, out,” I said. “I need a few minutes before surgery.”

The nurses began to file out of the room. Sydney stood from her chair, reaching for her oversize jacket.

“Except you, Sydney. You stay.” I said her name softly, hoping to woo her, I guessed.

When the doctors shut the door, she turned to me, eyes blazing because she already knew the “someone” I was talking about.

“Hell to the no, Austin. No. No. No. No. No.”

Her face was so red.
