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I spat it out as fast as I could. “Austin needs someone to take care of him. He’s basically immobile, and he has to heal properly, so he can go to rehab in California in hopes of playing this season. He dangled a deal in my face. He’s teaming up with Logan Tyler to start a tequila company, and they need an ad agency. He’ll award us the deal if I’ll be his nurse.”

Justin’s smirk had me pausing. I hadn’t noticed his return, too focused on my sister.

I turned to face him. “What?” I asked with attitude.

“Why doyouhave to be his nurse? You specifically.”

I narrowed my eyes defensively, thinking,Why not me?Even though I didn’t want the gig didn’t mean I wouldn’t be the best damn nurse he’d ever had.

“Because he doesn’t have anyone else and he has this fear of fanatic fans and has dealt with an overzealous nurse before and so …”

He raised his eyebrows like he didn’t believe me. “You believe he has no one else? Really? Are you that naïve?”

I threw up both hands. “Um, his sister cheated on Alec with his best friend. All his teammates are home for the off-season, and his mom is out of town. And he doesn’t seem like the easiest guy to get along with. I believe him.” I ignored Justin for a moment and turned to my sister. “So, what do you think?”

“Did you say Logan Tyler?” Her eyebrows flew to her hairline.

“Yes. The actor. The one and only.”

I could tell Serena was mulling something over in her head, so I added, “I don’t know the numbers, but he said the company they were creating was big. It’s multimillions, according to Austin.”

She stared at me. Simply stared, unmoving, unblinking. Then, with a slow shake of her head, she dropped her head onto her forearms on the bar.

“Is it not enough?” I asked, feeling disappointed. Was no deal big enough to save the family business?

Serena sighed. “I can’t let you do that, Sydney.”

I frowned. “You’re not letting me do anything. I’ve already decided.”

“I can’t keep doing this to you,” she said, miserable. “My conscience can’t take it.”

“What are you talking about?” I was confused.

She lifted her head and leveled me with a stare. “You can’t take the weight of this family and the business on your shoulders. That was supposed to be my job.”

Oh.She was talking about the original sacrifice.

My eyebrows drew together, and my voice softened. “Who said? Who said that it was solely on your shoulders, Serena? You don’t have to do that. We don’t expect that from you. I’m done with you giving up your life for the agency.”

“And I’m done with you giving up your life for the family—not only for the twins, but also for all of us. I’m not about to have you sacrifice yourself for the agency too.”

We were silent for a beat. Drowning in our own thoughts, locked in this intense stare of sorrow and regret and love.

Already making my decision in my head, I tipped my chin toward her. “I’m taking the deal. And I’ve never held my life still for the family.”

She raised one dubious eyebrow. “When was the last time you went on a date?”

I threw it back at her just as hard. “When was the last timeyouwent on a date?”

We held each other’s eyes in this non-blinking contest, neither of us backing down.

Justin leaned onto the bar with this annoying amused look on his face. I could see it from my periphery. He rested his elbows on the edge and cleared his throat, waiting for our attention, so we gave in and looked at him. “The question is … when was the last time Lyria went on a date?”

Serena and I burst out in laughter.

He shook his head, and his face scrunched. “Never mind … don’t tell me. I don’t want to know.”

Serena waved a hand at him. “Just get back together already. Put each other—and our family—out of our misery.”
