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“Let me at least help you up.”

I nodded, using my bottom half to push myself to the edge of the bed, swinging my knees over to the side of my California king and to the floor.

I stood, and the room shifted on its axis. “Shit.”

“Lean on me for support.” She moved to my right side and placed my arm over her shoulders. “All right, slow and steady. We wouldn’t want you to piss all over the floor, right?” She sent a little grin my way that did funny things to my heart.

I laughed despite the pain. “Right.”

Step by step, one foot in front of the other, we made our way to the bathroom.

“You can do this. You got this. Ten more steps. C’mon.” She was cute, giving me a pep talk all the way to the bathroom. Her voice was motherly, but with her body next to mine, my thoughts were far from innocent.

At the bathroom door, I extracted myself from her hold. Being close to her did things to my body that I couldn’t control, and I didn’t feel right since I’d basically forced her into this situation.

“Give me a second.”

She looked concerned, which did other things to my insides. “You sure you don’t want any help?”

I grinned, one foot already in the bathroom. “Careful, or I’ll think you really want to hold my dick.” As if I needed that as a visual.Idiot.

The scowl was back on her face. “You’re something else, you know that?”

“I know. That’s what all the ladies tell me.” Then, I shut the door.

It took me thirty minutes to take a piss and wash my hands. Piss was all over the toilet, and water was all over the sink, but whatever.

I should call the maid service to come in and clean the place.

I’d used the same service for a few years, and Genie, an older lady who reminded me of my deceased grandmother, was my regular house cleaner.

My stomach grumbled as soon as I exited the bathroom. I bet Sydney was hungry too. I hoped that while I’d slept, she’d at least eaten. I had no food in my fridge, not even leftovers ’cause I’d devoured the Chinese food I ordered last night.

Seeing she wasn’t in the bedroom, I stepped out and saw her in the kitchen.

“Hey. How do you feel about chicken stir-fry?”

Sydney’s back was to me, but she had her hair up in a high ponytail that exposed her neck, which was hella sexy.

The scent of chicken and spices hit me in the nostrils.

Well, fuck. She even cooked.

Man, a woman who could cook was my biggest turn-on.

I closed my eyes.

Why did I always think with my dick? I was in no mood to do anything in this situation. Not now. Not with Sydney. Even if I was attracted to her, nothing could happen between us, given what had happened with Alec and Brandy. And I was pretty sure I was last on her list of potential suitors.

When I walked toward her, she looked over her shoulder, peered up at me, and smiled.

And the wind was fucking knocked out of my lungs.

“What?” she called out, lifting an eyebrow.

I realized I was just staring at her like a lunatic. Like how those fans stared at me.

I blinked out of my fog. “Sorry, I’m kinda out of it.” Then, I blinked in confusion. “There was no food in the fridge. Where did you …”
