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He liked me? Like, like liked me? Or like, friend liked me? Damn it, now, I wouldn’t be able to focus.

But why?that stupid, stupid voice asked.You don’t like him, right?

No, I don’t, I told the voice.Now, shut up.

I focused on the paper on my lap, automatically shy, my ears warming. “Okay, what’s next?”

“We keep writing until there’s nothing to write anymore. And then …” His smile was devilish. He leaned in and placed a light finger on my nose. “We tackle your list.”



The next week was uneventful.I hadn’t seen Sydney as much because she was tending to things at work and contacting the last of the people about the wedding. She was still able to drop off food and help me with my dressing but right after she’d finished, she’d leave. That short time she spent with me was still the highlight of my day. I knew she had a life outside of taking care of me, but still, that didn’t mean I wasn’t missing her. I couldn’t help it. I missed her smile, her laugh, her cooking.

I knew I had it bad, yet I also knew I couldn’t do anything about it.

On the Callaway end, I’d finally gotten ahold of my mother, who was none too pleased about the canceled wedding. Like I’d suspected, she was more worried about what others would think. For once, I’d let Brandy take the brunt because it was her fault.

I was so used to protecting her that letting her take the fall made me feel shitty for a while. But I was working on letting it go. Maybe this was good—an Austin wake-up call.

My doorbell buzzed, and I’d be kidding myself if I said I wasn’t excited to see Sydney. There was only so much TV I could watch. And it was much more enjoyable, watching movies with her.

I opened the door, and she strolled in like she owned the place. Her hair was down today, curls down her back. I tilted my head, debating whether I liked her hair straight or when she didn’t comb it out all the way after she showered and it was wavy.

I decided I liked her all ways.

“I brought gyros.” Her smile was bright and invigorating, the highlight of my day thus far.

I glanced at the brown paper bag with grease stains already popping through. “I don’t think my trainer will approve of the diet you’ve been feeding me lately.”

I needed to get back to my lean meats and greens, especially if I wanted to get in tip-top shape, rehab, and train to be ready for the upcoming season. But somehow, I couldn’t deny this woman.

“Whatever.” She rolled her eyes in a way that was somehow adorable and sexy as hell. “One cheat meal is not going to do you in.”

I wanted to tell her that it had been multiple cheat meals. And cake. And ice cream.

She made her way around the kitchen. She’d been here enough times to know where everything was, and she moved with grace and confidence, like this was her place. A big part of me was happy she was finally feeling comfortable, not only in front of me, but also at my place.

And that alone did things to me. It made me want things I shouldn’t want—with her. It made me want her over here more. I pictured doing things with her—cooking, watching television, staring at her as she fell asleep. Then, I pictured doing thingstoher. That led to thoughts of the sounds she would make when she came.

When the food was splayed out in front of us on the kitchen island, I took in her attire. She was wearing a light cardigan over a white tee and black slacks. I missed her in jeans. I liked Sydney in jeans.

“Are you going back to the office today?” I said around a mouthful of food. “Because I have plans.”

Her hand lifted from the gyro she had been unwrapping. “What plans?”

“To work on yourlist.” My eyebrows danced with mischief.

She let out a small laugh. “That’s not your job. And for your information, I’ve already started. I talked to Serena about taking the lead on the next client.” She took a bite of her gyro and lifted her shoulders to her ears, real proud of herself.

I couldn’t help but smile. I was proud of her and happy she was making progress.

“Well, I’m gonna help you with other things on your list.”

“Like what?” she said mid-chew.

“Running that marathon, for starters.”
