Page 14 of Zane's Rebel

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“If he’s the guy in the suit, tell him thank you.”

“Tall, dark hair?”

I nod.

“That’d be him. He’s a lawyer.” A smug smile crosses Zane’s face. “Bet the stupid bastard didn’t expect that you’d have a witness handy, willing to testify that he verbally assaulted you and then tried to attack you.”

“Jace is willing to do that?”

“He is.” Zane runs his lips across my forehead. “I think we need to file for an emergency order of protection, too, little rebel. This is the second time he’s tried to put his hands on you in a crowd of people. I don’t want to give him another chance. I also think we need to hire you a bodyguard.”

“Absolutely not,” I say, scowling at him. “I’ll file for the protection order if that makes you happy, but I’m not going to have someone following me around because Jimmy Gatlin is an angry little troll.”

“You’re a stubborn pain in my ass,” Zane mutters, but he sounds more resigned than annoyed.

“Yes, I am stubborn. I’m also rebellious, and I cause trouble. I’m independent, and I never listen to anyone. I do what I want and go where I want and—”

“And you’re sexy as hell,” he growls. “And your smile lights up the entire fucking room. And you have a heart as big as this state. And you fight for what you believe in, even if you have to fight alone. And you love your brother fiercely. And you have the most adorable little dimple when you smile. And you make my fucking cock ache every time you scowl at me. And I spent half the goddamn night mad as hell that I didn’t do this last night.”

“Do what—?”

He cuts me off by pressing his lips to mine, his kiss hard and demanding. I moan against his lips, twisting my hands all up in his fancy suit jacket to pull him closer as reality spins away, replaced by the feel of his mouth working with mine. He steals the air from my lungs, replacing it with his. His tongue twines around mine in a sinuous, sensual dance that turns my soul to ash. The walls around my heart rattle, pieces of them crumbling to the ground. He slips through the cracks, nestling into place in a little corner that blazes to life with a powerful jolt.

I cry out in shock as my entire system ignites with a whoosh. Oh my gosh. This man is going to make me fall in love with him. I can’t do that. Ican’t. And yet… I already feel it happening. I already feel myself slipping down that path, giving tiny pieces of myself to him that I’ve never given to anyone else. My truths and my secrets. My kisses and pieces of my soul.

In the same bedroom where I lost so much of myself so many years ago, this crazy man helps me find a little part of that girl again. The one capable of love. The one capable of trust. The one who dreamed. In his arms, with his lips on mine, for the first time since I was fourteen, I let myself dream again.

“I’ll go to Houston with you,” I whisper against his lips, giving the answer I wanted to give him last night but was too terrified to say out loud.

“Brave little rebel,” he murmurs, nipping at my bottom lip.



Ispend the rest of the week working hard on her case. Jack is busy digging up evidence against Jimmy Gatlin, and I’m hoping to use it to get criminal charges filed against the bastard before we have our first hearing on the civil suit. When Jude and I discuss the case, I let my boss in on my relationship with Autumn.

I don’t fucking plan to hide what’s happening between us, which leaves me with a big problem. I shouldn’t represent my significant other. Since I don’t want to give the fucking asshole suing her any ammunition, we decide to list Jude as the attorney of record on her case. He’ll handle everything in public while I run the show behind the scenes. It kills me to let my boss take charge and arrange for a protective order against the fucker, but I force myself to step back and trust my friend in this matter.

We’re halfway between Silver Spoon Falls and Houston when we hit heavy traffic. “I’m so excited for our getaway.” Autumn glances over at me and yawns. “I’ve been working overtime to get the time off.”

“According to the map, this traffic lasts all the way to the hotel.” I pat her thigh and suggest, “Why don’t you lay your head back and rest?”

“Are you sure you don’t mind?” she asks.

“I want you well-rested for what I have planned.” I wiggle my eyebrows.

“You don’t have to ask me twice.” Autumn lays her seat back and settles in. Within minutes, her soft, adorable snores fill the SUV and my heart. Fuck. I’m so out of my mind for this girl.

* * *

Iwatch my brave little rebel nibble on her plump bottom lip while glancing around the hotel suite. “You can choose either bedroom,” I tell Autumn, hoping she doesn’t turn tail and run. Autumn’s been quiet since we left Silver Spoon Falls, and I’m starting to worry she is regretting her decision to come away with me. “And I’ll take the other one.”

Autumn squares her shoulders before turning to me. “What if I want to share with you?” I blink several times, wondering if I heard her correctly.

“I’d know I’m the luckiest motherfucker in the world.” I wrap my arms around her sweet body and pull her close. My cock turns rock-hard as her soft curves melt against me. “But I don’t want to rush you. There’s no way I’d survive losing you.” My little rebel is vital to my survival. “You’re worth the wait.”

“I’m done being cautious.” She wraps her soft hands around my face and pulls me down for her kiss. My mind shuts down when her sweet tongue explores my mouth. A growl rumbles up my throat as I lift her against my body. I attempt to lift my head, but Autumn digs her fingers into the back of my scalp and groans against my lips, “Don’t you dare stop. I’d have to kick your rear-end.” Her brave, sassy words shatter my resistance.
