Page 30 of Zane's Rebel

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“Thank you.” My wife leans back in bed, her eyes already starting to droop, but Jacob wants attention before he’ll let her sleep.

“You did good.” Cash points at the baby in my wife’s arms then glances over at me to smirk. “I’m glad my nephew takes after his good-looking uncle.”

“Motherfu—” I start, but my wife shushes me as Cash and Andreas walk out the door laughing.

“Little ears,” she growls adorably.

“His little ears are two hours old.” I lean over and kiss her sweet lips. Autumn groans as Jacob’s little mewing whimpers turn to full-blown, angry, feed-me-now cries. I watch as my wife whips out one of her swollen tits to feed our newborn son and feel my cock wake up. The next six weeks will be the longest of my life.

“It doesn’t matter how old he is.” My wife is a little drill sergeant. She and all the other wives keep control of us guys and our mouths. “No bad language in front of little ones.”

One of our main rules at Mina’s Place is watching our language in front of the little ones. And we’ve trained everyone who stays or visits to respect our rules. Setting up the shelter wasn’t easy, but we’ve managed to create something special that helps women from all over the country.

After Autumn feeds and burps Jacob, they both fall asleep and I sit back in the recliner. My phone dings in my pocket with a message, and I pull it out, expecting a congratulation message. Instead, I find a picture of the three stooges. Cash is holding up a sign that scores me a three while Hacker gives me a four. I’m shocked to see my brother-in-law holding up a nine. I zoom in to read the message at the bottom of his sheet and burst out laughing.

I gave extra points for your blood.

After taking a picture of my raised middle finger, I send it to the three stooges. As I stare at the ceiling, listening to my wife’s delicate snores, I enjoy the brief moment of calm and silence. Once the other two boys get here, it’s going to be loud and chaotic. Exactly how I love it.

Meeting Autumn showed me a whole new world. I wear blue jeans instead of expensive suits, watch cartoons instead of adult movies, and attend protests instead of fancy dinners, but I wouldn’t change a thing. My little rebel taught me what living really is, and I’m one lucky motherfucker.
