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Did I love Thane? My heart started to beat faster as the feeling in my heart grew as the realization hit me that I did. I truly did love him. But could I trust him? That was the question I was uncertain about.

As I was sitting there thinking about all of this, the door to the trailer opened, and Thane came inside. He sat down across from me and took both of my hands in his.

“Don’t look so scared,” Thane said, smiling.

“I’m not scared. I’m just confused. What is going on?” I wanted to know. Thane’s touch was wreaking havoc with my senses, making me feel like I couldn’t breathe.Why does he have to be so damn handsome and sexy?I could smell the spiciness of his cologne, and it was driving me mad.Is it possible that after everything we’ve been through that I’m still attracted to him and want to jump his bones?

“I love you, Darcy.” He looked into my eyes intensely.

My jaw dropped, and my eyebrows raised.

“You don’t have to say it back. I just wanted you to know. I’ve done a lot of thinking, and you’re right. What I was going to do with those apartments is wrong. Really wrong. I wasn’t thinking about what my dream would do to all those people. I had only one focus, to clean up that area, and I thought that by building some newer, more modern buildings and making the place look nicer that it would be better for the neighborhood.

“I’ve decided I’m going to do something different. I’m going to use the money I would have spent on the new condos to fix up the apartment buildings that are already there. I’m buying the owners out, and I’m going to renovate every unit free of charge to them. I will send all the tenants on a vacation of their choice, which I will pay for, and I will gut their units and replace everything with new ones. I will update all wiring and plumbing and improve the curb appeal by residing the buildings and adding a pool. All at no charge to the tenants. I am also going to put some money into the surrounding area, adding a park and helping the business owners in the area to renovate.”

“What about my past?” I asked, terrified of his answer.

“Do you really think I care about your past? It’s made you who you are, and I think that person is pretty great. Look at all the shady things I’ve done. Can you forgive me for that and move forward with a clean slate? I want to make everything up to you and try to make this relationship stable and full of love and trust, and maybe some sex could be thrown in there for good measure, for exercise, you know, to keep us healthy.” Thane grinned.

“I’m not sure, Thane. So much has happened between us, and I don’t know if I’m ready to get into a relationship with you,” I said. I was being as honest as I possibly could. I loved him, of that, I was sure.But do I trust him?I really wanted to.

“I have a proposition,” Thane said.

I looked up. “Oh, no. Not another one.” I groaned, but inside I smiled.

“Come away with me for two months. We’ll spend that time getting to know each other, exploring whatever place we choose to vacation to, exploring each other, and finding out if we are meant to be together. I’m already sure of the outcome, but I want you to feel it, too. I want you to learn to trust me, and I want the opportunity to show you that you will not be disappointed if you give me everything in your heart.”

“Okay, Erickson. Stop it. You’re making me feel like I’m going to get sappy, and I was already sappy once today with the girls. That’s my limit for one day.”

“God dammit, you’re one foxy lady. Okay. No sappiness. How about this? I want to make mad, passionate love to you as many times as I possibly can in two months at any destination that you choose. If, after the two months, you don’t want to be with me, then I will leave you alone, and we can just be friends.”

He looked at me and folded his hands in front of him, waiting patiently for my answer.

I thought about it for a few minutes. It was a great deal. “Yes,” I said. I smiled. “Yes.” I grinned. “YES! On one condition.”

Thane tilted his head to the side and said, “And what is that?” He looked a little apprehensive like he was worried about what my condition would be.

“We both agree to delete those X-rated videos from our existence?”

Thane threw his head back and laughed. “Well, I’ll have to see. I’ve got yours all over social media, and I’m not sure I know how to reverse that…”

I smacked his arm. “You didn’t!”

He grinned. “No, I didn’t, but it was on my to-do list this afternoon.”

“You’re an ass, Thane Erickson, but I love you despite that fact.”

We stood up, and he took me into his arms, and we held each other.

“You do?” His eyes showed me how vulnerable he was feeling. I guess he does love me. I could only nod in return.

He leaned his head down and kissed me with such passion that I thought I might have to tell the girls to go away and give us half an hour.

“I love you, Darcy Blackwell, and I truly hope that you will be saying ‘yes’ to me after the two months because I plan on spending the rest of my life making you the happiest woman alive.”

“Can’t wait because I really love you too, Thane Erickson.”
