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The prompt reply didn’t sit well with him. He waited for reasons, for excuses, for some goddamn explanation. But none came.

“So, you admit that you did kill him?”

Her chin lifted.

“You saw what you saw. I saw the same thing.”

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t know.”

“Sona, stop delaying your answers and going around in circles—”


Power boomed in her voice, clutching at his chest and squeezing hard. Her scales came back until her lower half was no longer human, and her sharp teeth bared at him. Slits formed in her eyes, a glittering yellow that latched on. His heartbeat sped up in the face of this energy she had never revealed this hard before, but he was still calm when he spoke.

“You don’t remember?”

“No, I don’t.” There was a heavy pause swimming with voidness, perplexing him so much…until he saw her smirk, her signature smirk. “But it was fun.”

The words settled firmly like a heavy rock in his stomach.


“His screams were drowned out by his agony. He didn’t see it coming, but once he did, he fought for his life. Oscar was a very brave man, but he was no match for the likes of me. It was exhilarating to mess all that fresh flesh up, but do you know what the best thing was?” Sona leaned forward, her gaze heavy with rapture. “To hear him begging. To listen to him pleading for me to stop.”

Fury snapped, then sizzled. All ruminations flew out of his head as he lunged, instinct dictating to reach inside the cell bars for her. But Sona didn’t budge, still at the back corner. He slammed his hands against the bars, the clanging sound echoing in the room. He growled.

“You little shit. You will die for it.”

“It was worth it. Tearing all that life up. Better than sex, I have to say. I want more.” Calm as ever, Sona stood up and sashayed toward him. “I want—”

Then words were no more when his arm shot into the cell one more time, straining until he felt pain. But then he had her and was yanking her forward where he could wring her neck and lift her from the ground. Dark eyes widened as her nails flew to his hand, digging to get him off. But there was no budging him, his anger lending to his strength as he squeezed her neck tighter. Blood trailed from his knuckles where she dug, but there was no pain.

“You will pay for what you did,” he intoned. “You will pay with your very breath.”

Sona hissed, tail wriggling wildly as she tried to get out of his grip. When she couldn’t get him to let go, she wrapped her hands around the cell bars and pushed. But the more she struggled, the tighter it got until tears streamed from her eyes. A pleased feeling burned inside him for the retribution.

Blood. Take her blood. Take it all until there’s nothing left.

Delight rejoiced at the familiarity of the words, more so at the helpless confusion on her face.

Destroy her. Rip her to shreds until she stops screaming. Gouge out her eyes until she can’t see you.

Fear shone on her, inside her. But she didn’t scream. She didn’t scream at all, only lighting up with realization as she stared at him, never looking away. A scream lit up in turn but in his head.

Rip her. Rip her now.

His claws sank in, ready to do so. There was another scream.



Just his name. But it was enough to yank him to focus on his claws once more, ready to end her life…ready to kill Sona like she had killed Oscar.

He released her and reared back. She did the same, and they landed on opposite ends of the cell. But the eye contact never broke, his looking at her in horror and hers holding so much sadness and grief. The confusion was still there, too, as she covered her neck and the blood trickling there. He took a step closer out of instinct, but she hissed.
