Page 29 of Effortless

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I walk behind her and grab the award that she made for herself last year, placing it on the counter for Hadley to see.

Corbin looks proud of herself, not embarrassed at all for giving herself an award.

Hadley barks out a laugh and lifts it up, reading the award aloud, “Number one in dealing with her brothers’ shenanigans and putting up with them daily.”

“She made it for herself.”

“Hey, I’d been hinting at deserving an award for years and no one listened so I made it myself.”

Brooklyn’s been quiet, taking everything in. “I’m starting to understand why Cody’s the way he is.”

“He’s our mini-me.”

“No kidding,” she agrees, shaking her head.

“Okay, well, this has been fun and educational to say the least. Enjoy your lunch. Brooklyn and I are heading out to grab the rest of her school stuff.”

“Oh, have fun! Are you going to Gatlinburg?”

“That’s the plan.”

“Go to Big Daddy’s for pizza. It’s phenomenal. Our friend Paisley introduced Naomi and me to it when we were there and honestly, their pizza is life changing.”

“And you say I’m the one who lives for food?”

“I’m a growing woman, damn it!”

“Seriously. It’s like grown-up Cody’s but they’re not really grown up.”

“I’d take offense to that but I can’t deny it because we aren’t all that grown up. Life is more fun this way.”

“Let’s head out before you’re corrupted into believing you don’t have to be mature at some point in your life,” Hadley teases, pushing Brooklyn toward the door.

Before they walk through it, I call out Hadley’s name.


“Use my number, yeah?”

Her cheeks heat. It’s subtle, but I notice.

She bites her bottom lip and whispers, “I will.”

“Good. Thanks for lunch. Drive safely, yeah?”




“Are you going to call him?” Brooklyn asks after we’ve been driving for a solidoneminute.

“Who, honey?” I feign innocence.

“Cash, duh. He likes you. I can tell. He looks at you with the gooey eyes.”

“Gooey eyes? What does that mean?”
