Page 33 of Effortless

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In my bedroom, I get comfortable in bed and grab my phone from the nightstand, steady my shaky hands, and pull up Cash’s number.

Before I hit call, I think better of it and send a quick text.

Me:Hi there. It’s Hadley.

Cash’s reply comes about thirty seconds after it delivers. The text changes to Read and I see three little bubbles pop up.

Cash:You okay?

Me:Yes, why?

Cash:Well, it’s after midnight.

Me:Sorry.I wince then add:Is it too late?

Cash:Not at all. Just surprised to see your text. Especially at this hour.

Me:Yeah, sorry about that. I wasn’t really thinking. But in my defense, you did tell me to use your number.

Cash:Happy you finally did, no matter what time it is. How was shopping and Chinese and Ben & Jerry’s?

Me:Amazing. We got pizza from that place your sister recommended, too.

Cash:Girls after my own heart. A night full of food.

I rub my lips together, trying not to smile too big.

Me:It was a good day.

Cash:Glad to hear it. Was worried about you after… you know.

Me:I’ve dealt with that my entire life so nothing to be worried about.

Cash:Doesn’t make it right. In fact, that’s even worse.

Me:I know. But I don’t feel like talking about them anymore.

Cash:Fair enough.

Cash:What do you want to talk about?

Uhh… I don’t know. I’m frozen. Staring at my phone, I debate what to say. I honestly have no idea what I want to talk about with Cash.

Cash:Want me to start?

Me:That’d be great actually.

Cash:Tell me about shopping.

I blow out a breath, finding so much relief in his subject choice. We text back and forth for about thirty minutes, the conversation shifting from my afternoon and evening with Brooklyn to his work and how the rest of his day went after we left his office.

Cash:Hate to cut this short because I feel like I just won something since you finally reached out, but I have an early day tomorrow and should probably hit the sack.

I don’t conjure up the image of him in bed that’s been stuck in my head for almost sixteen years now. Otherwise I’d never get to sleep tonight.

Me:Thanks for chatting with me.

Cash:Anytime. I mean that.
