Page 65 of Effortless

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“He works here after practice some, and on the weekends. I’ll make sure he knows what’s up.”

“That’s not necessary.”

“Yeah, it is. I’ll just make him aware that Brooklyn means the world to someone who means something to me and not to mess around with her heart… or anything else.”

I press my lips together but can’t stop the big smile that emerges from his words.

“Thank you, Cash.”

His voice is gruff when he announces, “About time for that date, Hadley.”

“Date? I thought we were just getting together.”

“We’re past that, don’t you think?”


“No maybes about it. I’m not going to force you, but this is me officially asking you on a date. Saturday night. Friday night is a home football game and I think you’d enjoy it but that’s not a date.”

I walk to the kitchen to get another cup of coffee. “The football game sounds fun.”

“Great. So I’ll see you Friday for the game. I’ll pick you up. We can grab dinner at the game – it’s junk food but good to support the school. Saturday night we’ll do the date.”

I stop pouring my creamer and say, “Wait. I thought I said yes to Friday.”

“You did. In addition to our actual date.” I can hear the smile in his voice.

“Awful demanding, aren’t you?”

“If you remember the night we met, you know I’m only demanding in one place.”

All the air rushes out of my lungs. If I remember? Of course I remember. It would be impossible to forget the night we spent together.



“You remember.”

I don’t say anything and he says low, almost to himself, “She remembers.”

“Right. So Friday night? The game?”

“I’ll pick you up at six-thirty. Do you have any Red Oak gear?”

I laugh. “That would be a no.”

“I’ll bring something for you. Find out if Brooklyn needs something, too.”

“I’ll ask her.”

“You heading to the diner today?”

“Pretty soon, yeah. I need to get back into my routine.”

“I get that but you don’t need to rush. Mom’s having a blast at the diner and Franky seems to be handling himself well.”
