Page 86 of Effortless

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She giggles. “Oh, trust me, he’ll hate you. He hates everyone but Brooklyn and me.”

“This sounds fun. Want to shower with me?”

“Thought you’d never ask.”

I practically sprint to the bathroom, tugging her behind me.

* * *

Kevin hates me. The minute we walk into Hadley’s house, he rushes to her meowing his displeasure of being left alone and obviously starving. Hadley picks him up and he rubs his dark gray and black face against hers, purring and being absolutely pathetic until he opens his yellow eyes and sees me.

He hisses immediately, jumping out of Hadley’s arms and rushing me, batting his little paws at my feet with his ears laid back.

I jump out of the way as Hadley laughs.

“Oh, Kevin, stop it!”

“Yeah, Kevin, stop it!”

But he doesn’t. He continues to hit me, hiss in my direction, and growl. I bend down, hoping he’ll smell me and have that animal instinct that I’m not a terrible person, but he lunges instead.

I yank my hand away. “Holy shit, you’re feisty.”

“Told you,” Hadley singsongs, filling his food bowl and water – out of the fridge filter rather than the kitchen faucet.

She places his food and water on the floor and he immediately circles her legs, rubbing up against her and purring away as if he wasn’t just trying to kill me with his eyes and claw me to death.

“Wait. Did you just give him filtered water?”

She gives me a look. “Of course. He doesn’t like it from the faucet.”

I blanch. “Are you serious?”

She looks confused, glancing between me and the evil cat who’s still growling while looking at me and eating his breakfast.


“Hadley.” I chuckle. “There’s no way he’ll know the difference.”

“He does, though.”

I shake my head and reach a hand out to Kevin, hoping he’ll be distracted enough by his eating to let me pet him and possibly win him over but I have no such luck. He, once again, attacks me, this time biting my feet in the process. His teeth are sharp and I let out a – very manly – howl, stepping back and tripping over his quick movements around me.

I land on my ass with a heavy thud and he scrambles out of my path.

I’m lying on the floor, groaning, when, rather than check to see if I’m okay, he takes advantage of my weakness and jumps on my face. His sharp claws bite into my cheeks before he retracts them and runs away.

I look up at Hadley from my place on the hard tile floor. Her mouth is hanging open as she takes in the scene. Kevin is licking between his legs, as if nothing just happened. As if he isn’t about to create a little voodoo doll and poke the doll’s eyes out with his claws.

“Oh my gosh! Are you okay?” She asks it like it’s the polite thing to do but I can tell she’s trying not to laugh.

“I’m too old for this shit,” I moan, getting to my feet.

“I’m so…” she lets out a giggle… “sorry.”

“You don’t sound sorry.”

She snorts, covering her mouth with her hand. “You went down so hard.” She laughs. “I’m sorry! I’m not trying to laugh but holy crap. I wish I’d have had that on video.”
