Page 90 of Effortless

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They’re fantastic.

I’m happier than I’ve ever been. All of the people I love most in the world are together and thriving.

Which means, I’ve been waiting for the inevitable.

Life is simply too good for it to continue without a hiccup of some sort.

And when I see my mother’s name pop up on my cell, I know it’s something bad.

Because it’s a simple text.

Mom:Call me.

She’s not a texter. She usually calls me or I call her. No more than once a week because I can’t handle any more than that.

“Shit,” I mutter, placing my coffee cup on the counter.

Rather than jump to do her bidding, calling right away like she expects, I go about my day as if I never saw her text.

I bring lunch from the diner to Cash and we eat together in his office, along with a heavy make-out session with me sitting on his lap and his hardness pressing against my hip.

“Geez, Hadley. So inappropriate,” he teases. “Getting me hard while I’m at work.”

I shrug and kiss him on the tip of his nose. “It’s not my fault you have no control of yourself.”

“How am I supposed to have control when your sweet ass is nestled against me?”

I want to tell him I love him more than anything right here in his office. I went way past falling and am now deeply in love with this man who seems to understand me better than anyone. Who doesn’t look at me like I’m just a rich kid who’s been spoon fed her entire life. He sees me as a hard working, sexy single mother and I love it.

“What else do you have planned for today?”

“Coffee with Naomi,” I tell him. Cash’s sister-in-law, who’s pregnant and just returned from her honeymoon with Brock.

“I’m sure she’ll go on and on about their honeymoon,” he says. “Brock can’t stop talking about it.” He tells me this but it’s obvious he doesn’t mind one bit to hear all about it. The love Cash has for his siblings runs deep.

“I bet. I’m excited to hear about it, though. A week by the beach in The Keys sounds pretty amazing.”

“Not sure they spent much time on the beach,” he says, squeezing my hips. “Though, he does have a nice tan so they must have gotten out of the room at some point.”

I grin and scoot off his lap. He walks me to my car, kissing me after opening the door for me, and he reminds me he has a late meeting tonight so we won’t be able to see each other.

Of course I remembered, which was one of the reasons I brought him lunch today. I’ve grown addicted to seeing Cash on the daily.

On the drive to the coffee shop, I think about Brock and Naomi’s special day.

The wedding two weeks ago was beautiful and simple. They said their nuptials in a private ceremony with only family in attendance, which included Brooklyn and me, and hosted a larger reception in Stone and Leah’s backyard. None of it was fancy or overdone, but felt perfectly Naomi and Brock. I loved being a part of their wedding day, and so did Brooklyn. Naomi looked absolutely stunning in her satin gown that showed off her small baby bump. Corbin stood by her side with Boone standing beside Brock’s.

It was the first wedding I’ve attended that didn’t have a formal dress code or a four-course meal. The catered food served buffet style was delicious and the cake… oh my gosh, my mouth waters just thinking about it.

Naomi’s waiting for me when I walk into the coffee shop and she stands, giving me a hug and motioning to a coffee she already has waiting for me.

“Thank you.”

“No worries. I had a few errands to run beforehand and got done sooner than I expected so figured I’d just come early.”

“How are you?”

