Page 37 of A Kiss of Frost

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“I’ll do what I can.”

“I know you will.”

“Time for bed,” Jack said and held out his hand to her.

She didn’t hesitate to take it, but Johnny frowned at their joined hands. He bit his lip, then looked up at her.

“Jack said it was your choice, but is it truly?”

“Yes, Johnny,” she said softly. “But thank you for checking.”

She suspected he would not appreciate it, but she bent down and gently kissed his cheek. “Good night, sweetheart.”

The astonishment on his face nearly broke her heart, but she did her best not to let it show as she followed Jack into his room. Their room.. The thought gave her a warm glow, even as she continued to worry about Johnny.

“You think he’ll be all right?”

He didn’t pretend to misunderstand.

“Yes,” he said firmly. “He is already an honorable male. He simply requires guidance to make sure that he remains on the right path.”

“Guidance from someone like you,” she said softly.

“I am not sure that I am worthy.”

“Nonsense. I don’t think he could have a finer mentor.” She bit her lip, then blurted out, “Can you stay? I know not forever, but maybe for the winter? We have everything we need here and I can take care of the children and you can help Johnny and –”

“I will stay as long as you need me,” he said, interrupting the wild rush of words.

He had not said forever, but then neither had she, and she didn’t quite have the courage to ask.

And perhaps it didn’t matter. The winter months stretched out in front of them and they would be together, together as a family. She slowly removed her clothes, and despite the arousal tingling through her body, it already felt familiar, even comfortable to climb into bed with him and nestle against his side. He kissed her, and then made love to her with a slow, gentle persistence that finally rocked her into a shattering climax. She snuggled against him, content to know that they were together and they would remain together through the long cold winter months.

When she woke up in the morning, he was gone.

Despite her disappointment at waking up alone, she wasn’t particularly concerned. It would be just like him to let her sleep late, she thought with a smile as she climbed out of bed and pulled on her clothes. Shuddering at the thought of the cold water in the bathroom, she walked out into the main room only to find it silent. Everyone was still asleep except for Johnny. He was bent over her book, his mouth moving as he attempted to sound out the letters.

“Good morning,” she whispered, “Have you seen Jack?”

He shook his head.

“He wasn’t here when I woke up.”

That was odd. It seemed so unlike him to leave without a word to anyone. Perhaps he’d gone to check on the weather. Or maybe he’d decided to return to the cavern for additional supplies but no, the sled was still next to the door.

Having discovered a cache of tea bags in the supply cavern, she put some water on to boil, then began on breakfast. By the time it was ready and all the children were awake, Jack still had not returned.

“Whereth Jack Froth, Mama Kat?” Lorna asked, frowning.

“I don’t know, sweetheart. Maybe he’s training.”

But although her answer seemed to appease the little girl, Katerina found himself too agitated to eat. She went to the door for the third time that morning, hoping to catch a glimpse of him, but the snow remained smooth and undisturbed. Where the hell was he? Had he been lying to her all this time and now that he’d gotten what he wanted, he’d taken off?No. She refused to believe that. She remembered the reverence with which he touched her, the combination of gentleness and passion in his kiss, and shook her head.

She was about to close the door again when Keffi came skittering around the corner and raced towards her. He clung to her leg, chirping anxiously as he tugged on the fabric. He was acting the same way he had when he’d wanted her to follow him to find Merry.

“What is it?” she asked, bending down. “Do you know where Jack is?”

He squeaked, tugging on her leg again and her heart skipped a beat. There was no message tied to his fur, but something had to be seriously wrong.
