Page 41 of A Kiss of Frost

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He tilted his head, considering the matter.

“I believe an insect building a web would be a more accurate analogy.”

“I assure you, I didn’t need to know that.” She shuddered and inched a tiny bit closer.

“You’re sure you do not wish to leave?”

“No, so stop trying to get rid of me.”

“I would never do such a thing.”

“I know. Then let’s get going so we can get back to the rest of our family.”

“Our family,” he agreed, loving the sound of the words on his lips.

How strange that he should have had to come to this isolated planet to find what he had never found on his own.

They started walking, Keffi following at their heels, usually silent. Katerina also had nothing to say, simply clinging to his hand as they walked. Since he suspected the ship would be at the apex of the castle they moved steadily upwards and with each step a portion of his strength returned.

As they moved down a long passageway, something about the walls attracted his attention. They were no longer as smooth and clear as they had been. He paused for a moment to inspect them, but as soon as he realized what they contained, he tried to hurry Katerina away. He was too late, and she stared at the walls in horror.

“Are those… bones embedded in the ice?”

“I’m afraid so.”

“First insect aliens and then bones in the walls, could this place get any creepier?” she muttered as she finally let him lead her away.

As it turned out, it could.

They climbed the last ramp and found themselves at the top of a tower. A ship rested in the exact center of the tower, a Fereg ship, just that he had suspected. A thick layer of ice covered the metal surface, and it clearly wasn’t going anywhere, but the landing ramp was down. He gave her a quick look.

“Why didn’t you wait for me here?”

“Nope. I’m coming with you. But here, take this.”

She held out her hand to give him Johnny’s knife. Such a small weapon, but he took it gratefully.

“Thank you. When I tell you to get behind me, promise me that you will listen.”

“I will. I’m not stupid. I know I’m not a fighter.”

“Only with that fierce heart of yours,” he said, hugging her.

They climbed to the top of the ramp in silence, the metal seeming to absorb the sound of their footsteps. Did the ship dampen all surrounding sound, he wondered, feeling the weight of the silence. No one appeared to be on board, but the ship still had power. Lights flickered as they made their way up onto the bridge.

More ice filled the space, creating an ornate structure with a single figure reclining in the center of the network.

“Welcome, Jackasarian,” she said, rising and coming towards him.

For a terrible moment he saw Katerina walking towards him, but then he recognized the illusion, the small differences that separated the artificial from the genuine. He heard his mate gasp, but when he let go of her hand and waved her back, she obeyed.

“Why are you here, Fereg? This is not your world.”

For the briefest fraction of a second, the illusion flickered, but then the false Katerina smiled.

“Why I’m here to serve you, Jackasarian. To give you anything that you desire.”

The voice was close, but the words were entirely wrong. His fierce mate would never speak so subserviently, and he had no wish for her to do so.
