Page 45 of A Kiss of Frost

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He nodded. “I understand that. The only place I remember with any fondness from our residence on Tandrok is the swing in the courtyard behind the house. That is where my mother used to tell me stories.”

“I’m glad you have that memory. We could even put up a swing here, in honor of her.”

“I like that idea.” Then his expression changed and he held out his hand, his eyes gleaming. “But right now I would like to make more memories with you.”

“I agree.”

She walked over to where he was sitting on the edge of the bed, but when he reached for her she knelt in front of him instead.

“What are you doing? The floor is cold and hard.”

“That’s all right. I don’t mind,” she whispered as she put her hand around his gloriously erect cock and felt it pulse against her fingers.

“Are you… are you going to put your mouth on me?” he growled.

“It had occurred to me.”

She nuzzled her face against him, breathing in his cool, minty scent, even stronger here.

“Is that a Tandroki custom?” she asked.

“Absolutely not.”

She took a long, delicious lick of his cock, licking it like a huge candy cane, but then what he said penetrated and she looked up at him.

“If it is not a Tandroki custom, how did you know what I was going to do?”

“I… watched. There was a couple in the woods and they were pleasing each other. That is what gave me ideas on how to please you.”

“You mean you’ve never been with a woman, I mean a female, before?”

“No. As I said, it is not our custom. There are exceptions, of course, but I never met anyone with whom I wanted to make such arrangements.”

“In that case, you’re certainly a very fast learner.”

He smiled down at her. “May I have another lesson?”

“In a minute. Right now, your lesson is to learn how to enjoy this,” she said as she circled her tongue around his shaft.

“There is no doubt of that,” he gasped and from the way his claws dug into the furs, she believed him.

She swirled her tongue around his shaft again, then took his head in her mouth. He was far from small and she had to stretch around him, but it was worth the effort as she heard him gasp and begin muttering in his own language. She wasn’t quite sure if he was praying or cursing, but he was clearly pleased and she took him deeper, determined to make his first time memorable. He filled her mouth to overflowing, and when his head brushed her throat, she swallowed around him. He gave a hoarse cry, and then he exploded in her mouth, tasting exactly like liquid candy cane as she swallowed greedily. His cock had barely finished pulsing in her mouth before he reached for her, lifting her up over his body before pulling down on his still rigid cock.

“Now it’s time for my lesson,” he growled.

He learned it so well that she barely had the strength to pull on a nightgown before curling up in his arms.

“I do not like anything between us,” he grumbled.

“Neither do I, but I suspect the children will be in here very early. You should get dressed too,” she said, yawning. He grumbled again but obeyed, and she was asleep within minutes once he returned.

Her prediction proved correct. It was still dark when Lorna came racing into the room, followed almost immediately by Cecil and Cecelia. To the children’s delight, Jack pretended to be asleep and they took turns giggling and poking him trying to wake him up. The sound of their laughter drew Merry and Johnny as well, and she smiled at all of them.

“I suppose now that we’re all up, we might as well go and see if Santa brought anything.”

The children cheered and raced back into the other room, and after a not entirely quick kiss, they followed. It was a modest holiday by most standards, but the children were thrilled by everything. Lorna hugged her doll fiercely to her chest, too overcome to speak. Merry was delighted with the dress that Katerina had made her, but she seemed even more pleased by her own doll, her eyes filling with tears as she reached over and hugged her.

“Thank you,” she whispered. “I know I’m really too old for dolls, but it means a lot to me.”
