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“Yes, sweetheart?”

She grasped the lapels of his coat. “Hurry.”


Highway Roleplay

Annabel and Ezraenjoyed a winter courtship and were married in the spring just as the daffodils came into full bloom.

With Clarenmore Park under construction, and Broadwin House not yet habitable (unless someone wanted to find themselves suddenly in the cellar by way of the floor), they moved into Ezra’s townhouse in Mayfair which Annabel quickly set about redecorating.

“The curtains are pink,” Ezra said blankly one day after returning home from attending the races with Perth and Graham. “Why are the curtains pink?”

“They’re peach,” she corrected, tapping the ending of his nose with the brush she was using to paint samples in the second bedroom that would hopefully, sooner rather than later, serve as a nursery, “and I think they’re lovely.”

He made a grumbling sound of dissent under his breath, then removed his coat and hat and placed them with painstaking care in the closet. “Have you heard the news?”

Annabel wet her lips. “What–what news?” she asked, her voice catching.

Ezra looked at her, his countenance grave. “There’s been reports of a highwayman on the loose. He’s moved on from carriages and is attacking houses now, along with the helpless women within them. No one is safe.”

“Oh…oh, no.” She began to walk backwards up the steps as Ezra prowled after her, his eyes taking on a wicked glint. “How terribly frightful.”

“It’s a shame your husband is traveling,” he said when they reached the landing.

“It–it is a shame,” she said breathlessly.

“Annabel?” he growled.



And she did…straight into his arms.

From the Author

Oh, Annabel and Ezra. What an enjoyable couple to bring together! I hope you loved their story, and have a few minutes to leave a quick review. Just a couple of sentences will do! This series will conclude with The Rose and the Rogue (Eloise’s story)…or will it? ;)

While you wait, check out my OTHER brand new release, The Earl’s Christmas Gift, a sweet Christmas novellaavailable now! Read on for an exclusive sneak peek.

The Earl’s Christmas Gift

Some women want chocolates for Christmas. Others would be satisfied with a pretty hair ribbon or a new hat. But Lady Alexandria desires only one thing: a divorce from her husband, the cold-hearted Lord Duncan White, Earl of Chesterfield. Christmas Eve will mark their one-year wedding anniversary, and Alexandria is desperate to correct the mistake she made twelve months ago when she let one passionate kiss ruin everything.

Wealthy and powerful, the Earl of Chesterfield is a man accustomed to getting what he wants. The fastest horse, the largest manor, the most beautiful debutante in London…they’re all his for the taking. But while he has made Alexandria his wife, there is one thing his money cannot buy: her heart. If Duncan wants to win over his wife, he’ll need nothing short of a Christmas miracle…

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Fourteen Months Ago

Grosvenor Square
