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Who’d then decided to keep her.

What the fuck was that about? The guy was insane.

And yet, he’d given her Squeaks, and he hadn’t, so far, used him as a bargaining chip. And when she’d had problems peeing, he’d sung to her. He’d also told Honey off when she’d accidentally hurt her.

Pausing, she rubbed at her head. She didn’t know what to think of Zander. He confused her. On the one hand, he’d drugged her and locked her in this room. And yes, the door was locked. That was the first thing she’d checked.

Yet, he did all these small kind things. She wasn’t used to kindness. She didn’t understand.

Was it all some sort of ruse? A way of luring her into a false sense of security? She guessed that made more sense than anything.

And now here she was, stuck in a room with no way out. She’d gotten excited when she’d seen the windows, thinking she might be able to escape out of them. Until she realized that they weren’t windows at all, but rather some sort of high-definition TV. They weren’t real images, since with a touch of the screen it went from a lake view to a sea view to a mountain view. She’d chosen the lake view in the end.

Heck, she didn’t even know which state she was in. Most of the time it had been dark, and they’d taken back roads. Plus, she’d fallen asleep. She couldn’t believe she’d done that.

Her guess was Wyoming, Colorado, or New Mexico. But she could also be in Idaho, or even Texas.

With her head throbbing in time with her bruised ribs, she sat on a padded armchair that was in front of a television. This room was nicely appointed. It had a big bed, a wardrobe, a small table and two chairs, even its own bathroom.

But as nice as it was, if she couldn’t come and go of her own accord, then it was a prison.

Just as she was contemplating turning on the television, if only to have some noise to break the silence, the door to her room opened.

If she’d been capable of jumping up, she would have. But it was more of a slow push that definitely aggravated her ribs. Webb walked in and disappointment filled her.

Don’t be stupid.

Why would you want to see Zander?

He’s the one who brought you here. You should be mad at him.

Maybe that was it. She wanted to see him so she could rip him a new one. Yeah, she was sure he was going to be so scared of her.

“Good morning, sweetie,” Webb said cheerfully. He set a tray of food down on the table. Her stomach gurgled, but she didn’t move any closer. Even though the waffles coated in maple syrup looked and smelled freaking delicious. “Brought you some breakfast.”

He stood there, obviously waiting for her to say something. But she was through with giving these guys anything. What more did they want from her?

“I’m guessing that I’m not your favorite person this morning, am I right?” Webb’s massive shoulders slumped. And for a moment, regret filled her. But she shook that feeling off. She shouldn’t feel that way. She was here against her will. She had no obligation to be nice to these guys.

She couldn’t let down her guard.

There was only one person she could rely on in this world.


“I’m sorry I had to drug you, sweetie,” Webb told her, looking like he really regretted it.

Don’t trust him.

You don’t know what the truth is and what’s an act.

“All right, I’ll leave you alone to eat. See that intercom there? Press the button and you’ll get hold of one of us if you need anything. Honey put some of her clothes in the wardrobe for you, until the stuff she’s ordered arrives.”

She grimaced at that. Not only was Honey shorter and far slimmer than she was, but their styles were not the same. Keira liked comfy and casual clothes. Things that weren’t too tight.

Whereas Honey dressed like a female batman. Tight, slick, black clothing. Things that would highlight all of Keira’s rolls.

Although she had less of those thanks to being on the run for weeks. With how anxious she always was, she should be stick thin by now. Unfortunately, constantly being close to broke meant that she usually ended up eating what was cheap, not necessarily what was healthy.
