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“Oh no, I’ll make sure the end of our night is very special.” I tuck a stray braid behind her ear, kissing her on the cheek before I go back out into the waiting crowd.


Idress myself quickly before tying my braids back into the half up, half down style I had when I arrived.

Our little shadowy getaway spot is like our own little bubble. Stepping out into the chilly December air, I’m reminded this place has become a fantasy. Where the man of my dreams is stuck inside my own personal hell.

Although Lucas made quite the effort to help me overcome my fears in October, this place still gives me the creeps. The only difference? When I get scared, I just want him.

I try to enjoy a walk around for a bit before I stumble into Kate and Jay.

“Hey, stranger,” Jay jokes.

“Hey, what are you two up to?” I ask, happy for the distraction.

“We are about to go in there.” Kate gestures to the line for one of the haunted houses.

“Perfect. I’ll join you.”

Kate’s eyes go wide with surprise before she takes me in. I can only imagine how I look freshly fucked and nibbled on. Although I tried to fix myself up, I can only do so much without a mirror.

“Sounds good, happy to hang out a little bit before you disappear on us again.” She actually sounds happy.

I loop an arm through hers, and she leans into me as we wait for our turn to enter the haunted house. I might regret this. It’s my first attempt after Halloween.

This haunted house must be pretty big, because I watch as group after group go in, but it takes a long time for them to come back out.

The building before us is ominous. Beneath the layers of chipping paint, mold, and rot, I can see the peak into the past. A toy factory now abandoned would have been beautiful in its prime. But this place is now just sad and terrifying, with its broken windows and blood splatter.

A chill creeps down my spine when I realize we're next.

“Have a jolly good time,” a peppy-voiced young woman says as a dozen of us step into the building.

The halls are dim, lit by only fake candles that flicker in sconces along the wall. Large blood stains splatter the wrecked carpet.

What have I gotten myself into? If this is supposed to be Santa's workshop, are we going to be met by a group of demonic elves?

I step over broken toy parts as a child laughing track is played through hidden speakers around us. I follow in the middle of the group as we turn, stepping into a room that seems fine…at first.

It’s filled with a bunch of broken sewing machines, bits of fabric and thread thrown about.

But once we’ve all made it to the center of the room next to the equipment, a bunch of women painted as dolls crawl out from under various pieces of furniture, and I’m ready to jet.

Things that crawl on the ground are an immediatenofor me.

I move close to Kate, and she grabs my hand, giving me just the support I need to power through it. The dolls move around the room, keeping on their hands and knees as we leave, continuing to step over more trash-filled halls to the center of the toy factory.

The circular room is full of conveyor belts and disheveled toys.

Something clicks on, and loud clangs of machines fill the air. The belts start moving. At first it seems normal enough, until dolls start turning into amputated hands and the teddy bears turn into heads.

The gore of it all is making me nauseated.

We have to get close to the largest one as we continue our way out, and as we do, claw-like hands reach out of the shadows snatching various body parts and throwing them into ripped packaging. Sounds of flesh ripping, blood dripping, growling paired with eerie whispers saying “mine” over and over has me on edge.

It’s like I’m just waiting for one of these little creeps to come jumping over and take one of us into their hoard.

Something flies overhead landing with a wet smack on the ground nearby. I learned my lesson last time: Don’t look.
