Page 3 of Obsession

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I whimpered, mostly in pleasure, when he was nearly all inside me. No other man went this deep, and when his cock found its way to the places only he touched, the raw flesh screamed at me in longing. "Too sore?" he growled up at me, a flash of irritation in his eyes.

But this was not for me. I knew this now, I trusted it. Black had consoled me, explained that the others were never to hurt me, never to make me so sore that Rhys couldn't have his fill. If he looked angry, it was only that someone else was going to feel his wrath, not me.

I felt the muscles of my pussy clamp around him, an involuntary spasm of pleasure that only intensified the sweet soreness. I shook my head, my mouth falling open a little. My hands were on his shoulders, feeling the tension that grew beneath his skin when he moved, when he angered. I squeezed them and tried to sink further onto him, to get him deeper inside of me.

At a moment like this, I sometimes lost control. I lost control of myself, of what I said and did. After all, this man was the leader of a group of (admittedly gorgeous) men who had made me their sex slave after rescuing me. I shouldn't have been thinking the things I was thinking, or saying things like: "No, I mean, yes... oh, it feels so good, though...please,I'm not too sore, please... I want you."

The words were formed and had left my mouth by the time I realized what I had said. They had already traveled to Rhys's ears, and they made his cock flex inside of me, pressing into the soreness and the untouched tissue where only he could reach.

He let me sink onto him, and when I was at the base of his cock, my pussy stretching wide enough to feel the strain, I moaned and tipped my head back. I could feel my loose hair scrape over my back and then stick to the sweat.

Rhys thrust his hips up, driving himself even deeper inside me. I mewled loudly. He felt so good, I wanted him to stay inside me forever.

But he was rising, lifting me with him, and his mouth was looking for mine. I tipped my head back and he kissed me forcefully. I felt the motion of our bodies but wasn't sure where we were headed, and it didn't matter: he was taking me where he wanted to go, and could do it without even breathing, while he kissed me. He set me on his lap and fucked me, moving my hips with his hands and not releasing my mouth.

He slowly reclined again, taking me with him, and I started to grind myself against his pelvis now that I had the small advantage of my weight on top of him. He pushed me by the shoulder to look at me, his eyes telling me to slow down. But I couldn't obey, because all I could do was feel. Feel a hunger that drove me to keep rocking my hips, keep delivering the pleasure of him inside me.

He squeezed my shoulder very gently then, and touched my lips with his other hand. His head moved slowly, almost imperceptibly, side to side. And then he pulled me down to his chest, making me lie on him, our hot, sweaty skin slippery together. He twisted his arm to place his hand on my head, his fingers playing with my hair but also applying light pressure to keep me there.

I was panting, and shaking, but I went still because I sensed that was what he wanted: and as soon as I relaxed, my eyes felt heavy again. I could have laid like that forever, listening to the heavy, steady thud of his heart against my ear, his pulse echoed in the threads of his pulse that wrapped around his dick like vines.

He moved his other hand down my back, over my ass, and his fingers went into my crack, brushing over my still-burning skin, then slipping in my sweat, then circling the eyelet of my asshole. His eyes looked beyond me, over my shoulder, and it was only then that I remembered Black.

Black who was there behind me, Black who was going to be inside of me in a few moments as well.

My heart was the first part of me to react to this sweet thought, swelling to a near-bursting, cold fullness that threatened to make me cry. Not out of pain, but because I was overwhelmed.

I knew Ishouldn'tlike this, I knew Ishouldn'twant it. It was bad enough that I loved one man inside me at a time: this was forbidden in my society.

Everything sexual was forbidden in my society, and yet here I was, hungry for it all.

And not just with one man, but with two.

Sometimes, even more. And I liked it. I liked the sweaty muscles moving all around me, the stiff cocks throbbing, competing to get at me, filling me up, filling every hole. I liked the feel of a man's seed bursting inside of me, overflowing.

But I liked it all best, if I had to tell the darkest part of my secrets - which I was thankful I would never have to - when it was Rhys and Black together.

Black's hands moved over my ass, and even though it had been a long time since my last punishment, my skin was still sore in patches that ignited beneath his palms. Black was never too eager with me: he always teased me with his fingers or his mouth first, always felt inside me to make sure that he would glide smoothly inside, especially when he took my ass.

I could feel as well as he could, when he dipped his finger inside me, that the loads of cum left there by Doc and Scar would lubricate his cock, and because I was stretched out by the plug and by the other two, there was nothing but pleasure awaiting me when Black entered me.

He sank over my body as his cock filled me. A small sharp bite made me chew on my lower lip just as he pushed inside, but after that it was nothing but exquisite soreness and fullness, as his own sizable member glided over the thin flesh that stood between Rhys's cock and his.

Rhys's fingers pulled my hair from my face and he twisted his head to kiss my forehead as I whimpered in pleasure.

And then, starting slowly, Black began to fuck me while I lay limp on Rhys's chest, my eyes open but seeing nothing, my cheek sliding on Rhys's pecs with the motion of Black's thrusts, every thought obliterated from my mind.

We rolled at some point, and I was where I liked to be most, sandwiched between them. Our limbs and tongues and flesh slipped and mingled, the taste of Rhys filled my mouth, sweat rolled down my neck and Black licked it off. There was no time, no sense of place, nothing at all but their bodies and their cocks inside me, and the rising tide of the orgasm I was going to have.

Rhys sensed, always, when I was going to come, and today was no different. He pushed my hair from my face and watched me, thrusting languidly into me. Against my back I could feel Black's body shaking with tension, his own needs consuming him.

Rhys touched my lips, his eyes looking into mine, shifting back and forth from one side to the other, like he was reading something on my face. He watched as I mewled and squirmed with each slow thrust, and at last he put his mouth close to mine, his fingers holding my chin. "Be a good girl for me, Alena," he whispered.

His eyes met mine.

Deep in my abdomen, my guts twisted and my pussy screamed at me to move and claim my own orgasm: I only had to grind against him one more time to send myself over the edge. I felt dizzy, and for all the riches in the universe, I could not have told you where I was. I was absorbed into Rhys's eyes, into Rhys's body, into Rhys himself. I was utterly his, his total slave, willing to do whatever he commanded.

A breath, an eternity. But I had to wait for his command.
