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“That’s right. Can you move?”

“Yes, I think so.”

“Take it slow, Waggoner. Here, let me help.”

His arms went around me as I tried to climb to my feet, looking all sorts of undignified. I was on all fours but my arm was throbbing and it was making me want to cry, so I couldn’t lean on it. Then Liam’s arms slid around my middle and lifted me as though I weighed nothing.

Normally, I didn’t like being manhandled. I hated people using their size and strength against me. I hated that my body was so small and frail. I wanted to do things on my own.

Except right then. At that moment, having Liam’s strong arms around me was the single best thing I could think of.

I didn’t realise I was clutching at his arm until he moved and I gripped harder, trying to hold him in place, stop him from letting me go. As soon as I realised what I was doing, I let go, dropping his arm like I’d been scalded.

I did it so suddenly that I nearly overbalanced.

His arms went around my middle again and he pulled me closer to him.

“Hey, don’t try to move too quickly. Just stand here for a moment.”

“I’m fine,” I said, even as I felt my body lean heavily into him.

“What did they do?”

“They took my bag.”

“I mean to you. What did they do to you?”

“My bag,” I said again.

Liam looked down into my eyes and I couldn’t make out the details of his face from this angle, not with the weak lights.

“What was in the bag?”

“Some papers that needed grading.”

“Anything else?”

“My lunch.”

“Shouldn’t you have eaten your lunch?”

“I was busy,” I said, and I didn’t know why I sounded like I was a kid when I said it. I have no idea how this young man had managed to become the authority figure here. Maybe it was because I was in shock and my body wasn’t doing what I wanted it to – it was shaking and clutching at him, even as I tried to sound normal.

“Where are you hurt?”

“I’m fine,” I said automatically.

“You’re not fine.” That growl was back in Liam’s voice. He sounded really pissed off.

“Sorry.” My apology was automatic.

“You have nothing to be sorry for.” His arm tightened around me. “Can you walk a little way?”

“I need to get to the bus stop. I might miss my bus.”

“You’re not getting the bus, Waggoner. You’re going to the hospital.”

“I don’t need to.”
